This is for you all on Facebook! I just wanted to express - TopicsExpress


This is for you all on Facebook! I just wanted to express gratitude for you guys with your continuing support and care. I know its a small surgery it took a lot to get me to come in. I didnt expect to be staying in here this long and realize some of you are going through much worse. I have never been in the hospital for anything but this was extremely painful and I finally caved in thank goodness. All the texts, messages, fb posts, likes, visits and love you guys have been giving me have made me feel so undeservingly lucky to have you all as friends. I have always enjoyed watching you all live your life. Even the random fb stranger we may never chat and just be connected but sometimes seeing a funny post or something good happening in your life you share makes me smile. We are all in this together and Im rooting for all of us. I have surgery in the morning. I cant sleep my first surgery. Lots on my mind. I just want to make my statement that I have loved you all. Even some people who Im not currently friends with for various reasons. Ive always cared I still care. I love my fellow Lancers and Im always excited meeting new friends and Im interested in YOU whoever is reading this and those who didnt make it this far I know its a long post. At the end of it all I will truly be happy when Im back home with my most loyal friend my cat. Im happy we are all connected. I hope when I get through this I will get to see or meet more of you. Thank you all for letting me take up some space in your world. I feel privileged.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 09:03:36 +0000

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