This is from Twigs step daughter, Melissa, Mabrys daughter. She is - TopicsExpress


This is from Twigs step daughter, Melissa, Mabrys daughter. She is such a wonderful Christian, spirit filled person. It has been such an honor to meet and spend time with her. This is such a glorious testimony of our Fathers love and sweet kindness. Fly high Twig, fly high. It is finished. She fought a GOOD fight and finished the race. She clicked her heels and ran into the Saviors arms. No more pain. No more suffering. Eternal reward and reunited with her Bear. The last few days she started calling me Mama Bird and herself Baby Bird because I have constantly hovered over her, caring for her, giving her food and drink and comforting her as best I could. She has been in so much pain these last few days. She hasnt opened her eyes since Saturday, but oh how sharp her mind was and remained til the end. This afternoon she could barely talk but she said, Mama Bird, the nest has sharp needles. It hurts. I told her thats what happens when its time for Baby Birds to fly out of the nest. When that time comes, the nest becomes so uncomfortable that the babies are forced out of the nest, whether Mama Bird and Baby Bird are ready or not. I told her it was time to fly and soar across that lush valley, to enjoy the beauty, and leave the nest of this earthly home. I asked her if I could read the 23rd Psalm to her and I guess she thought I said I wanted her to read it because she said, yeah but I dont know if youll understand it in Yankee. Hahaha...kept me laughing throughout our final conversation...and that was the last conversation Twig and I had on this earth. As I walked into their home a little while ago so full of grief, I laid her belongings on her kitchen table where she always sat...and there lay a birds feather. God is so unimaginably and incredibly sweet. I am so in love with Him.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 00:33:33 +0000

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