This is from a post of a training session for Medical Staff in - TopicsExpress


This is from a post of a training session for Medical Staff in Queensland in how to advise patients who live in the areas of the CS Gas Fields: The Idiots guide to gas production and its effects! Our latest Program is a series of CME Medical Training Workshops entitled Health Concerns in the Era of Gas Drilling: A Basic Toolkit for Healthcare Providers In these interactive workshops, clinicians receive tools and resources to address patient concerns and symptoms related to gas extraction activities. Are you worried about your health because you live near gas drilling? Industrial activities like gas drilling can pollute the air, water, and soil in nearby homes. The suggestions provided here are used in places where people are concerned about the quality of their air, water and other aspects of their environment. We make these suggestions because research shows that these steps can protect people from pollution in their immediate environment – in and around their homes. Here are 3 Good Things to Do if you live near gas drilling. 1. Clear the Air •Take off your shoes when you come inside. Keep contaminated soil out of your home. •Clean your house often. Use a vacuum that can fit a HEPA filter. Don’t sweep with a broom. •Clean kids’ outdoor toys and the floors where they play often. If possible, wipe down swing sets and other play sets outside. •Wipe off pets’ paws and fur before they come inside. •Cover all food containers. Don’t leave food uncovered. •Vent the air in places where you use water. Open windows or run an exhaust fan in the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room. If you have a stove fan, always use it while cooking. •Let fresh air in your home when it is breezy outside, usually in the middle of the day. Unhealthy air can collect closer to ground level when the air is still, usually in the morning and evening. Contact us to learn about air filters. For more detailed information about controlling air exposures click here 2. Use Clean Water •Don’t rely on one-time water tests to tell you if your water is safe to drink and use. Accidents and contamination can happen at any time. •Consider using bottled water for drinking, cooking and making drinks like baby formula, coffee, and juice. •If you must drink or cook with your tap water, leave it uncovered in a pitcher or bottle in the refrigerator overnight before using it. •Stop drinking your water if you or someone in your family has stomach pain or discomfort, confusion, nosebleeds, muscle pains or other unusual symptoms. •If your water burns your skin or causes a rash, take showers and baths somewhere else. Go see your doctor or call our office to see our nurse practitioner. For more detailed information about controlling water exposures click here 3. Watch for Changes •Keep a health diary. Write down changes in your health and changes you notice in your water or air. Share this information with your health care provider. •Remember that children, senior citizens or people with chronic health conditions are more sensitive. Pay special attention to changes in their health. •Check your water for total dissolved solids (TDS). This can tell you if your water changes and if there may be a problem with your water supply. Contact us for more information about checking for TDS. •Contact us to learn about ways to monitor the air inside your home. While none of these steps can assure your safety completely, taking these steps may reduce your chance of exposure to harmful substances. If you are sick, get medical attention. Are we all feeling reassured now, folks...? Whatever happened to that old adage of - Prevention being better than the cure....? ·
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 23:17:51 +0000

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