This is from my Supplemental Squat/Deadlift session yesterday. - TopicsExpress


This is from my Supplemental Squat/Deadlift session yesterday. This day for me is all about building back strength and getting good Squat volume in to work on technique. I started the workout off with 4 sets of 8 of Pull Ups with my body weight. Id been doing a lot of sets of 6 for rep work but theyd become to easy so I upped it to 8 reps per set. These were a good warm up as well going into the Squats. I followed these with 5 sets of 5 reps of Squats allowing myself to use between 50-60% of a 630 max. I did all 5 sets with 335 and was really focusing on sitting back more and not letting my knees come as far forward. I tried to treat each rep as a single and fully reset to make each one as good as possible. Im doing all of this supplemental work Beltless and in my Olympic shoes to make me work harder on form and technique. Weight takes a back seat to proper form and practice in this session. My last exercise was Barbell Rows for 3 sets of 12 reps with 175. I wasnt to consented with going heavy in these as well on this day. I wanted to move the weight very fluid and focus more on contracting and squeezing my back muscles at the top of each rep. Even though this was fairly light for me combined with the Pull Ups my back definitely got some good work in. Over all this was a good session with a lot of quality work. Pull Ups 4 sets of 8 reps with body weight Squats 5 Sets of 5 reps (50-60% of 630) with 335 Beltless no knee wraps Barbell Rows 4 sets of 12 reps with 175
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 01:14:18 +0000

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