This is from my amazing Vedic Astologist...Sam (will put link to - TopicsExpress


This is from my amazing Vedic Astologist...Sam (will put link to him in next comment box) Dear Karma, Well, I think we are all ready to leave the recent eclipse drama behind. On Wednesday, the Moon leaves Scorpio, entering Sagittarius - which is allowing us to move closer to finding the higher purpose behind it all. To that end, I have some great news. If you have an iphone and/or an iPad I wanted to let you know my fr33 apps. They have my latest articles and videos built in and you can even get my paid monthly (written) forecast for only $4.99 Additionally, Jupiter turns retrograde late Wednesday in the US, which shows a reconsideration / reflection on our sense of meaning, purpose and Justice. I will have more to say about this over the weekend. So Stay tuned. Below is an excerpt from the Monthly Forecast for this week. Wednesday - the 6th Forecast On November the 6th, the Moon moves into Sagittarius and its ruled by Jupiter. There€(TM)s also a wide aspect from Jupiter in Gemini that will be stronger the next couple of days, and thereâ€(TM)s also an aspect from Saturn. The Moon in Sagittarius is in a field of expansion and growth. Sagittarius is an inspiring sign ruled by Jupiter and itâ€(TM)s the active nature of Jupiter which takes the form of religion, active beliefs, teaching and even things like law and justice. These things are important, religion and belief, for the next couple of days. The Moon is also closely joined Venus so it brings a calming, healing and beautifying influence into the mind for the next couple of days. We have that wide aspect from Gemini and Jupiter is the ruler so he gives an awareness of hope and optimism. Thursday - the 7th Forecast On Thursday, November 7th, the Moon is still in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius. Jupiter is also the ruler of Thursday and the Moon is in Purvashadha Nakshatra which has to do with the Goddess called Apas, the Goddess of the ocean. We still have that Jupiter energy with the Moon in Sagittarius and the aspect to Jupiter is also very close now, much tighter today that Jupiter and Gemini aspecting the Moon in Sagittarius. The Goddess of the ocean is very important. Water can be very healing principle today. Maybe go to a hot tub, take a dip, go swimming or make sure to take a nice bath. Immersing yourself in water can be very healing and soothing today with the Moon continues to Sagittarius †that inspired uplifting sign. Friday - the 8th Forecast On November the 8th, the Moon moves into Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the feminine reflective quality of Saturn where we integrate and reflect on the feeling of stress, fear and worry and losing what we perceived to be our life here on Earth. We have this relationship to form and structure and literally being alive. Saturn is the awareness that itâ€(TM)s going to end and itâ€(TM)s going to change. When the Moon goes through Saturns sign through Capricorn, we feel that pain in our heart and we worry about it. Then we try to control outer circumstances to bring an inner peace. The truth with the feminine signs is we need to stabilize our inner environment and stop trying to make outer circumstances make us feel good internally.The next couple of days will have that quality of needing to calm our fears
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:22:04 +0000

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