This is from the Frack Off Face Book page... Hydraulic Fracturing - TopicsExpress


This is from the Frack Off Face Book page... Hydraulic Fracturing (commonly known as fracking) is a method used to free gas trapped in rock (that would usually be inaccessible) by cracking the rock using a pressurised fluid. Wells are drilled and the fracking fluid injected into them under high pressure to crack the rock. The fracking fluid consists of water, sand and a lot of chemicals. Millions of gallons of water are used to frack one well. Unlike conventional oil wells that produce for decades, the output of fracked wells quickly declines and more wells need to be drilled. Fracking uses huge amounts of water mixed with toxic chemicals, a large fraction of which are never recovered. The fracking fluid also leaches chemicals like arsenic out of the rocks when it is used making it even more toxic and so the fluid that is recovered becomes a big disposal problem. Even more worryingly the fracking fluid can also leach radioactive elements out of the rocks causing radioactive contamination as well. The contamination of irrigation water means that everyone’s food supplies could potentially be affected. Fracking in the United States has already resulted in numerous spills of these fluids. So far there is only one test well using hydrological fracturing to access shale gas in the UK. Cuadrilla Resources has drilled Preese Hall 1 well five miles east of Blackpool. However following the outcry over two earthquakes in the vicinity of the drilling operation in the space of two months the operation has been temporarily suspended. France, the states of New York and New Jersey, the Canadian province of Quebec and the Swiss canton of Fribourg have all recently banned fracking. Fracking needs to be banned in the UK too. Also info here...dangersoffracking/
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:52:52 +0000

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