This is getting absolutely ridiculous! The major news media is - TopicsExpress


This is getting absolutely ridiculous! The major news media is still reporting that the government shutdown is the Republican’s fault………’s their shutdown. That is a flat out LIE and the news media knows it. In fact, the Republicans, in attempt to get continued resolutions in order to get people in the government back to work, were told by the President that he would VETO all of this resolutions. The republicans even left ObamaCare off the table, just to get these resolutions passed, but the President still would not negotiate at all. The republicans also said they could work out the details or debate the debt ceiling issue later, just get these resolutions passed now, so people could go back to work and national parks, etc……….would be reopened. The President WILL NOT do this, simply because he wants these places to be shut down, with barricades in your face………….and the news media covering it every single minute, because he knows that they are telling the American people that this is being caused by the Republicans. I have said this before, but I will continue to hammer this point. Obama and his administration, especially Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, (throw in Chuck too) are all a bunch of habitual liars. Actually, they are worse than that. They are playing a game with American’s minds, and they are trying to dehumanize an entire group of people: Honest people, that love their country, that want less government intrusion and a better life for their children. The liberal democrats HATE these people and I do mean HATE! The party of compassion is a joke. They have never been the party of compassion, at least not in the past 35-40 years. They are the party of divisive liars. Look, there are some liberal people out there (not politicians) that aren’t bad people, just blind followers and low information voters. You can hold that against them to a degree, but still they aren’t necessarily evil or bad people. I am hoping that some of these people wake up to this LIE they are being told, before we end up like Nazi Germany. Those people weren’t bad people either, they just believed with all of their heart that Hitler was actually there to make positive changes in their lives. They didn’t realize, until it was too late, that the man was a lunatic. Now, Obama may not be a lunatic, but there is no doubt in my mind that he doesn’t have the interest of our country at heart. He never intended on any of us keeping our insurance, nor our doctors. NEVER. A lot of insurance companies can’t pass the 10 points of scrutiny demanded by ObamaCare, to be able to offer insurance. He knew this from the beginning. When he said the words: “Look, I’m not going to take away your insurance, PERIOD.” He was telling a lie…………..a BIG LIE. It’s time you wake up!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 13:41:14 +0000

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