This is getting out of hand. Alan is an aid-worker who went to - TopicsExpress


This is getting out of hand. Alan is an aid-worker who went to help the victims of the ongoing Syrian civil-war. I was in the border town of Turkey and Syria when he was kidnapped. The word was being spread, but nothing was confirmed. I never met him, but we have a few mutual associates and I heard of his good work and character. I hope and pray that he gets released and is re-united with his family. I cant imagine what his wife is going through. Why ISIS need to do this I just dont understand. Why Alan? Why any innocent person? He sacrificed the comfort of his home and travelled to a war-zone to help people who he doesnt even know. It was the humanity in him that made him risk his life. Enough bloodshed has been spilled, and no it’s not in the name of religion, rather politics, power and greed. One only needs to ask the question that if Islam preaches such actions, then why 1.6 billion Muslims around the world aren’t doing the same. ISIS is just another pawn and distraction of the West. We forget who helped create ISIS. The only winner from this is Bashar Al-Assad who is still killing thousands of Syrians. However, all the attention is now on ISIS, who were funded by the Americans in Syria to fight Bashar, and now is at war in Iraq with the Americans, all in less than a year. If that doesnt sound weird, then we obviously need to wake-up. Alan was kidnapped in December 2013, if I remember correctly. Why has this only come out now? On my return a few brothers said to me that the British authorities told them not to say anything or make it public. I came to know that the wife of Alan was told to keep this quiet. Why?? Why would the British authorities want to keep such a big thing quiet? Isn’t this a priority? I know UK and America have certain agendas in this game of war and terrorism. I just wait for the day that these leaders go to the front-line themselves and see what people have to deal with. From one aid-worker to another, I hope Alan is safe and comes home. This makes our job hard when we want to go to places like Syria to help. The war on terrorism has only created more terrorists, be it those who wear a mask or those who were suits and sit behind a desk. This needs to end for the sake of peace and humanity. Manchester awaits your return Alan Henning. “In a war of falsehood, there are no winners. Just dirty players.” bilalabdulkareem/alanhenning/
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 21:45:25 +0000

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