This is going through my mind as the latest political pile of - TopicsExpress


This is going through my mind as the latest political pile of excrement is being exhausted beyond comprehension in the MSM. This young man that Obama traded for those 5 Taliban, is being crucified in the square of public opinion! I have three sons. I lived through the conflict in Vietnam. I grew up in a small town of 3,500 in Central Arkansas. I witnessed the devastation to that community when a few of the towns young men were killed in the Vietnam conflict. Their deaths were lauded a Hero deaths and much patriotic praise was heaped upon them. And yes in my book they were Heroes. I turned 18, I believed the cause was Just, and I registered for the draft. Richard Nixon (the only President in my lifetime to keep all of his campaign promises to the American people) ended the Draft and the Vietnam conflict, so I was spared that fate. When American forces withdrew from Vietnam, I remember watching news footage of the helicopter evacuation from Saigon. I watched as the last American boarded the chopper and how the Vietnamese people clamored to get on that last bird! How sad to see those people crying and begging to be taken and I thought, What did we do to these poor unfortunate souls? Years ahead, young father holding my firstborn, a son. 58,000 plus young men and women of American heritage will never experience that deep spiritual connection. How sad? First of three sons nearing his 18th birthday. Dad, what is the Selective Service, I think I am required to register. Son, the Selective Service is a list of 18 year old men that will form the basis of a Military Draft in the event that this government decides to go to war. You will not need to participate. In fact, I will not agree to that. Same story with all three of my sons. Only the youngest was the toughest, I had to beg him with tears in my eyes not to enlist. Why did I waste all of this space telling you this? Well, I learned a few things from watching this corrupt beast we call a government. I learned that rich mens boys do not face combat, Corporations are not worth defending with my families blood. Politicians lie more than weathermen, and last but not least, no Bankster war is Just! If my family is required to spill blood in defense of the Nation, it will drain out on good old American soil! In defense of my fellow countrymen and my home. Bowe Bergdahl should have Never joined the military. None of our children should! Not until some qualities such as truth, integrity, and honor are the guiding principles within our Department of so called Defense. Did he desert? I think he did. Should he face Court Martial? I think he should. Yet, I am saddened for the dilemma that is his plight.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 23:06:32 +0000

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