This is going to be a long one, but bear with me! If you are - TopicsExpress


This is going to be a long one, but bear with me! If you are like me, you have either been experiencing attack after attack in your life; relationships, finances, school, work, loss, name it. Or you know a loved one who has been going through. At times like this, we often feel overwhelmed and even quietly start to question Gods love for us, and then of course we feel guilty for feeling like that. Now, the enemy LOVES attention, and he will do ANYTHING and everything to get us to focus on him and his work, and hopefully make us FORGET how great our God is on our behalf. But you see, the thing is the devils does NOT know what you are thinking, so he will throw so many thoughts your way, and many times those thoughts are backed by evidence of the stuff thats going wrong in your life. But the things is, he doe snot know what you are thinking until you SPEAK and empower one of those thoughts with your words. This is why praise CONFUSES the enemy. He gets confused because he wonders why his lies are not working. We have little control over our thoughts, but we sure can control what comes out of our mouth! So, when the enemy is throwing at you stuff, with evidence by the way, I want to encourage you to STOP AND REMEMBER what God is doing or has done, and then PRAISE HIM with your words! Friends, GOD is constantly doing good in our lives. If we look for it, we will find it. Lets give our attention to Him. It will change our perspective and give the enemy and his bu workers a good dose of confusion. They will get so bored from your lack of attention and go look for better company :). TURN UP THE VOLUME ON YOUR PRAISE AND DROWN OUT THE VOICES OF THE ENEMY! PUT ON YOUR GARMENT OF PRAISE! Im inviting you and your loved ones next week on Independence day to come join my friends and I as we throw a PRAISE PARTY in honor of our wonderful God! Itll cost you only 30k, but it will be worth much more. Get in touch and lets go wreck havock in the enemys camp! Psalm 34:3 Oh magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 08:10:12 +0000

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