This is going to be a long response to this highly popular story - TopicsExpress


This is going to be a long response to this highly popular story that has been circulating. This story hit home on so many levels for me. As a Mother, certified personal trainer in pre & postnatal fitness, a Crossfit Athlete and certainly as a Birth Doula. This article is so many things wrapped in one. I’d like to break it down from a few different angles. Hold onto your bellies…. You should know there exists two schools of thought on pregnant women & fitness. (It’s very clear to see that from this article as well.) Acknowledgment and research of pregnant women & fitness did not come onto the scene until the 70’s. That was yesterday folks. And when it did, it began studying pregnancy & fitness in pregnant sheep not even pregnant women. There came the basis of research. Here’s what existed then and still exists now. 1. The liberal women who are exercising during their pregnancy & felt great. (I’ll share the benefits with you in just a moment) 2. The conservative medical field and the general public who don’t have a basis for the passionate NO they so quickly provide. Rather, their response is based on fear and lack of information. And it still exists today! The reality is this: women are capable of being in better shape during their pregnancy then when they are not! Did you get that? Women can reach a better level of fitness while they are pregnant vs. when they are not pregnant! WHY? 1. We are designed that way. 2. The women’s body functions at such an optimal level when pregnant due to the major transformation they undergo while pregnant. 3. Blood flow is maximized which is responsible for the body’s improvement when exercising. The core body temperature drops to accommodate both mother & baby and our largest organ; skin gets that “glow” 4. It’s all due to our hormones. Love them or hate them, they run shop for everything! In this case, it’s a welcomed takeover ;) So if you are an exercising mom-to-be keep up the good work and continue on. The benefits to the mother AND BABY are this: 65% of women deliver less than 4 hours and active labor is less than 10 hours (that’s major) 75% had a decrease in exhaustion 50% decrease in interventions 55% decrease in an episiotomy 35% decrease in pain relief 75% decrease in c-section. Women who exercised tend to weigh about 7lbs less than women who don’t exercise. Women heal and recoup quicker post natal. This directly affects your post natal experience! Baby’s Tolerate pregnancy, labor & delivery stress much better They respond readily to their environment outside Readily self-sufficient, less need for consolation Better on standardized test at the age of 1 Lean & fit which plays into their future metabolism and body composition. NOW, given that I have the honor of accompanying families during their labor & delivery, I can’t express enough how important these numbers are and how a women’s health plays such a huge role in her ability to birth effectively and without fear. As mother’s, we retell our birth story with such clarity and emotion and our birth should be one that we not only prepare for to the very best of our ability but also with the very best information at hand. This is why I am so passionate about being a birth doula. It is absolutely necessary for each & every women to have the right information at her fingertips so that she can make the best decisions possible for her & her baby. Pregnancy is not a disability. It is not a disease or handicap. It is not something that should be rushed through or brushed aside as typical. It is the most amazing role we are bestowed. It is a natural and beautiful gift we are privileged to carry. So if you are pregnant or know someone who is pregnant, make sure you have the best support system around you, Your Tribe if you will. A professionally trained birth doula (me ;) is happy help. What if you didn’t exercise prior to pregnancy? Don’t fear, because you still can! First, clear it with your caregiver that you do not have any real contraindications, meaning; a reason that makes it inadvisable to carry out an exercise routine. There can be real reasons not to develop a traditional exercise regime. If so, seek alternatives. Even bed rest moms are capable of doing physical activity to keep their bodies in shape. Then start gradually and slowly on regular physical activity. It is recommended that 3x/week for 20 – 30 minutes of exercise is beneficial. Drink water before, during and after and never push the limits. While pregnant, it’s not a time to set new world records. If there is ever a time of injury, disease, pain or bleeding stop of physical exercise and call your care provider. The postnatal effects on a mother who exercises are endless! 2 areas that most women ask about. 1. A mother will return back to her pre-baby weight about 1 year after she gives birth. 2. The mother responds more readily to her new role and her baby blues, postpartum depression are significantly mitigated! Before becoming a mother almost 6 years ago, I enjoyed a regular exercise routine. And when I was pregnant, I continued that same physical routine during my pregnancy. I can share first-hand how good physical fitness directly affects your pregnancy, labor & post natal recovery. I attributed my good physical health & diet to my son’s good physical health even when he arrived 5 weeks early. His lungs were fully developed and he came home with me when discharged after two days. Breastfeeding was successfully initiated and my ability to bond and take care of not only my new baby, but myself of positive and exciting. As my family grew and life became a bit more hectic and demanding I thought it would be much easier for me to put my needs on the back burner and just get through the day. BIG MISTAKE! The worst thing a mother can do is put herself last on the list. There is no benefit in doing this. Not to her and certainly not to her family. When working with expecting families I make it a point to tell them that 1. the mother has to be a priority in healing and taking good care of herself. Because 2. the realities of life after baby and going forward are REAL and not always with soft blankets and cute clothes. New mothers should be able to meet motherhood with strength and happiness and profound courage. Not reluctantly with resentment of lack of sleep and not feeling well. What’s the saying “Happy wife, happy life” well, “Happy Mom, Happy family.” Fitness provides that hormonal balance a woman needs. To give that up would be to give up the greatest gift she can give herself. It wasn’t until my 3rd child turned 1 years old that I really realized my well intentioned martyr approach was serving no purpose. I needed to get back to a consistent physical routine that my mind & body were in desperate need of. Enter CROSSFIT. A highly functional training routine that provides me with the only hour of my day to focus on myself with the best results I could ask for. This has been the best decision and commitment I could give to not only myself, but also my family. Dr.’s are so quick to remedy pregnancy, birth and normal life transitions with a little pill. I too was disappointed that the only recommendation out of the dr.’s mouth was birth control. After all that schooling, that’s all you’ve got? Instinctually I knew there was a better way. And there was, EXERCISE. For me, I wake up at 5 am to challenge myself to be better than I was yesterday. Crossfit has given me the strength, clarity and balance my day needs, which transcends to my life’s choices, the food I buy and the healthy lifestyle my husband & children benefit from. In the case of Lee Ann Ellison and her exercise regime, this is a healthy woman and mother with experience in her workout. Her body is accustomed to this regime and can function well. Why stop? What is the reason to stop?! Because someone else is scared about it! Because someone else is offering up that generous uninformed opinion! Please! Little do they know that if she stopped her workout it would cause more harm than if she continue! And THAT would be the real cause for concern. Episode 2 – we can examine the sad social imbalance women continue to endure in the 21st century and the needed inspiration we can offer up, free of charge. Educate. Empower. Experience.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 03:38:49 +0000

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