This is going to be a very long status. If you dont have a few - TopicsExpress


This is going to be a very long status. If you dont have a few minutes, you probably should seek your intellectual stimulation elsewhere :-) Galatians 1:23 - But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed. The Apostle Paul experienced an enormously radical transformation. He went from persecuting first century churches to planting them. From chasing after believers to imprison them to chasing after believers to love and to disciple them. From trying to stamp out the gospel and its followers to boldly proclaiming the gospel and trying to persuade others to become followers. Imagine how skeptical you would have been if you were part of the first century church and you heard that one of the primary enemies of the church was now preaching the faith which he once destroyed... in a miniscule way, I can identify with what is being said about Paul here. Though I did not wreak nearly as much havoc on the church of God as he did, I certainly did my part in destroying peoples perception of the faith during my years as a backslidden p.k. (pastors kid). These days, most people dont know me this way and its probably best that they be spared all the gory details, but as for me, I do not want to forget what God has delivered me from. Oftentimes we streamline our daily Christian routine so efficiently that we forget the depths of the darkness that once encircled us when we found ourselves in that horrible pit surrounded by the miry clay of our own hedonistic decisions. It is true that in the second part of the verse He sets our feet upon a rock, but oh I do not want to forget about that miry clay! Sometimes I find myself doubting His goodness and looking for objective evidences in my life that He is still Who He says He is... and perhaps these thoughts prevail because I dont remember the miry clay of my past and as a result, I forget how miraculous and how inexplicable the change that was wrought in me truly was. Lord, help me never to get so spiritual that I cannot remember what it was like to be in that horrible pit and to feel that miry clay... for the memory of the miry leads to a revelation of Your goodness that a pride which ignores the past will never find
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:21:19 +0000

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