This is going to be long, but worth it. This is a message a - TopicsExpress


This is going to be long, but worth it. This is a message a good friend of mine sent me, and it upset me greatly. Come to find out, he didnt understand why I chose to do drag. So for all of you who want to be a part of this journey, here is my story. I used to be scared of drag queens. They made me uncomfortable. I didnt understand them I wasnt able to comprehend the purpose the appeal the reason behind it. It bothered me, and it also bothered me that I didnt really have any reason to be upset. So a year ago I decided I would try it. I figured that stepping into the part would help me understand what I was being so irrationally afraid of, and maybe I could gain some appreciation for the love and dedication these girls have for their art. My first time was last December and I was tragic. My first drag mother, Porsha DeMarco-Douglas took the time to help me understand what I was doing and gave me the chance. But I looked terrible, performed worse and was just all around a hot mess. But I had fun. I learned that drag was a whole world that I had no idea existed, that you could be an entirely different person and that no matter what you do, you can have fun. I started a name for myself, not a good one but a name people loved because I was terrible and knew it. My name was Becky, and I was all about fun. I gained a lot of respect for these girls. But it still was a little scary, I wasnt ready. So I stopped. Fast forward to last January. A very good friend of mine Travie put me in drag and helped me get my act together. I took it much more seriously than the first time but still performed awefully. I didnt want to be terrible anymore. But I knew I couldnt dance well enough yet and I still was afraid of not being good enough. Thats always been something that has held me back, that I wasnt good enough to be on that stage. So again, I stopped. I returned everything I bought and what I couldnt sat in a bag in my closet, always reminding me what I could have been if I could just be brave. Then I started photographing shows. I began to study and love the queens I met, and started Following queens on Facebook and Instagram and even a few in real life that Ive gotten very close to. I envied how they got on that stage and owned the audience for a small part of their lives. I wanted that. I needed to be up there, I knew then I wanted to work for it. No matter what it took. Now, I have the money, and the burning desire to pursue what Ive spent the last year building up the courage to do. I appreciate drag culture as well as the queens. Yet, it is never as simple as just doing it. It is impossible to understand the bravery it takes to do what these girls, what I, do every time we step out of the house in a wig and a pair of heels until you experience it yourself. But at the same time, it is the most exhilarating thing Ive ever done. In this moment I have never wanted anything more than to be the best I can be, work my ass off, then be better than that. I want the world to know my name, starting with the city that gave me the chance. I may not have the talent yet, but I know for damn sure I have the dedication and the desire to get there. And I want as many people as I can to help me do it and share in my success. Our success :) I do drag for myself, because it makes me happy. Because it gives me hope that I can be something far greater than I ever imagined I could. I do drag because I have a dream. And I do drag because I want everyone that has ever believed in me to one day be able to be a part of the success that happened, largely because they were brave enough to take the chance on me, Beyanna, Alex, Christopher, Lynda, porsha and so many more. Thank you so much for all youve already invested in me. That being said, this Friday night is the first time I will be doing a big show. I would love more than anything for your support in this chapter of my life. See you soon! XoXo, Robyn V. Monroe
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:37:47 +0000

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