This is going to be one of those controversial post where I get in - TopicsExpress


This is going to be one of those controversial post where I get in trouble without really trying to, but I have read enough this morning to make myself think that it is necessary...not that there is any professional value to my opinion on any level and you are more than welcome to take it, leave it, scroll over it, etc... Ebola IS a real threat to the US. No doubt. It is contagious and it kills quickly and brutally. BUT... I would just like you to consider the following BEFORE you panic and BEFORE you start believing everything you read and BEFORE you join the were all gonna die crowd. 1.) Despite two nurses now being infected with Ebola, the initial patients family has not gotten sick. The two nurses that HAVE gotten sick had direct and long term contact with the patient WHILE he was in the later stages of the disease which includes explosive diarrhea, profuse vomiting, bleeding, not to mention several different treatments that would bring them in close contact with his bodily fluids. Now they have said that they followed protocol, but it is sketchy what that protocol was or even if they had the right protective gear while treating the patient. I still see NO alarm that Ebola is spread through casual contact. It might just be me...but Im not seeing any proof of that whether the CDC says it or not. 2.) This man showed up at an ER with symptoms and was sent home. His germs were likely left behind in a lot of places for at least 3 days before he returned to the hospital with even worse symptoms. If two nurses have already gotten sick from treating him in the days that he was in isolation, it stands to reason to me that if this thing is so volatilely spread (or spread through the air...or spread through casual contact) we would already be seeing MULTIPLE cases of the disease from the many others he had contact with while he was vomiting in parking lots, sitting in the emergency room and being treated by doctors and nurses his first visit. Im NOT saying it isnt dangerous or contagious...just that there is a reason to maintain our sanity in this regard. 3.) I do not think we should be at all alarmed by the number of people being monitored for Ebola. As a matter of fact, I think that this precautionary measure, while creating panic at the sheer numbers, should make us feel safer. Ebola is not contagious until symptoms start. The more people checking themselves for symptoms and getting help as soon as they see them, the better. If that means 1000 people are being monitored, that is a GOOD thing. It prevents what is happening in Africa where people are hiding for days when they are sick because they are afraid of medical professionals. They are staying in their villages and exchanging bodily fluids with hundreds which is why the disease is multiplying so quickly there. The quicker a person can get to isolation, the quicker the spreading of the disease stops. 4.) Yes, one man has died of Ebola in the US, but several have recovered. Dr. Brantley is donating immune blood. A vaccine in Canada is now being tested on humans. The drug that helped two Americans recover is being reproduced as we speak. There is hope. We need to keep praying that the Lord will lift up a standard against this horrific disease...not just for the US, but for Africa where it is taking thousands of lives because there are not enough resources, not enough education, not enough sanitary measures, not enough anything to stop the spread or to save these peoples lives. It will take a miracle for this disease to not wipe out a million or more just over the ocean in this beautiful country. Have we prayed about it as much as we are talking about it? 5.) I have no comment on the CDC or the governments handling of this disease. All I know is that we are among the blessed nations who have resources, who have people to place precautions and follow up on them, who have the best chance to survive, who have the smallest risk of a spread. Im not saying that any of this means we shouldnt be vigilant. I am only saying that we should take a deep breath, keep praying, keep educating ourselves with truth, keep using our common sense, and keep being thankful that there is a plan...whether in place, being developed, being perfected...whatever the case, to keep us safe. Whether it could be done better, whether we should close our borders (good luck with that one), whether we should give the government even more power for fear of a pandemic, etc. etc....yall are welcome to debate amongst yourselves. :) Ebola is scary and I am certainly not saying we should all go on our merry way and forget about it. God forbid! There are mommas and daddies and babies dying by the thousands. All Im saying is this...BEFORE we think, speak, or post another thing about it, we should go read Psalms 112, take a deep breath, pray, and then inform and educate if needed. And please let us not breathe a sigh of relief for ourselves unless we are using that same breath to petition Almighty God for a miracle for Africa. Can you even imagine the horror, the terror, the darkness that has invaded these beautiful people? Oh Lord God, please raise Your Great Hand of mercy.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 16:01:33 +0000

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