This is going to offend people but personally some need to be - TopicsExpress


This is going to offend people but personally some need to be offended. we get to complacent and hidebound when there is nothing to challenge the way we think. I have been seeing a lot of intolerance in the Pagan community lately. It seems that those that believe in spiritual inclusiveness dont really when faced with it and this saddens me. When did we allow ourselves to become just as venomous and destructive as the fundamental Christians that persecuted and killed those that came before us? Some of our brothers and sisters are Satanist, some walk the darker paths. Because the Left hand paths are just as needed as the right hand paths. They are just as necessary to the formation of a healthy universe. And walking a dark road does not automatically mean that they are bad or evil people, it does not mean that they are always working bad magic to hurt others. It just means they have a different road to travel, and the left hand path deals with more internal work than the others. They know themselves with an intimacy that most will never attain. Yes the darker paths are more about offence than defense and there is no prohibition about causing harm, but that is all dependent on the person using the magic to decide if it is needed or not. That is their cross to bare and not our place to judge. I am also seeing a watered down safe version of Wicca springing up and this really worries me as well. Yes it is good to focus on being positive and putting more light into the verse, but we humans are made to feel the entire spectrum of emotion and actions, to block ones self off from half of your emotional being so you only experience the emotions and actions that bring you bliss is completely narrow minded. It leaves you in a place where your growth begins to stagnate, then stops. I see more and more people show up that are so afraid to cast spells because they are afraid of repercussions or karmic backlash. They are inhibiting their magic and in turn their growth. No lessons are being learned because they are so focus on not causing harm that they are unaware that the greatest harm they are causing is to themselves. Modern Wicca has taken all the fight out of the White Witch the healers no longer know how to harm and defend themselves. The modern view of Karma is completely off and westernized into something that it was never meant to be. Karma is not reactionary to quote a marvelous essay Karma is not some big brother looking over your shoulder waiting to punish you when you have done wrong... Karma does not come into play until after you have died and is only used in determining your next life. We have given Karma teeth she was never meant to have and she has become an excuse to blame all the things that go wrong in our lives. Personal responsibility for our own choices and actions has been taken away and placed in the hands of a force no one can live up to but everyone can blame. It ranks right up there in absurdity with the three fold law. The three fold law is a modern Wiccan invention that, does not even have a hundred years under its belt, was invented to keep the initiates in line yet the thought of it has paralyzed generations of practitioners with fear, keeping them from shining as brightly as they were meant to. In this way the law of three has done more harm to the pagan faiths than anything else. And before you get all butt hurt and tell me how well it works let me remind you of something most forget. It works because you believe it works. Under the law of manifestation, The more power and energy put into an idea, the more that idea becomes reality. Humanity would rather have a crippling self imposed limitation where they can shift personal blame to an unseen force rather than accept the consequences for their own actions and dive into a limitless future of unbound potential. If given the choice we inevitably (As a species.) choose suffering over true freedom. We have created the condition of this world and it is past time that we create a better future before there is no future left to create.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 20:11:12 +0000

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