This is going to sound odd coming from a patriotic VA nurse. But - TopicsExpress


This is going to sound odd coming from a patriotic VA nurse. But I am curious what people think about this. Its come up a few times (again this eve) and I almost always am told I am wrong. So, without names naming our famous people who have done these things, I ask friends to reply which they think is really worse? 1) A young man whos rich father gets him out of the draft to continue college, or 2) a young man whose rich father gets him a cushy MOS, never sees combat, and is hailed a hero by followers. ?? We could even add #3) a young man whose convictions lead him to burn his draft card and move to Canada. OK, Im not real big on the third, but the draft sucked and should never be brought back. But, should wealth be a way out if it is in effect? Why did we only effectively draft our poor? I think AGAIN that Finland, Norway, etc has a good thought with every young person being required to serve a minimal term in their armed forces. Regardless of wealth. Everyone goes. Either that or stop advocating the draft and stop making heroes out of woosies who wouldnt know reality if it slapped them in the face and whose tours were MUCH different than regular people who had to go or volunteered out of duty. Hmmmp!!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:22:03 +0000

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