This is gonna be heavy, so strap in. As I mentioned in a - TopicsExpress


This is gonna be heavy, so strap in. As I mentioned in a previous post, my favorite movie and trilogy is Back To The Future. Since we have now reached the milestone year of 2015 (being both the 30th year anniversary of part 1 and the year Marty and Doc travel to in part 2), Ive decided to write this rambling Facebook post to further express why this flux capacitat-ing, 1.21 gigawatt-ing adventure/sci-fi/comedy is my personal favorite of all time. I watched the first movie when it aired on RTM when I was still in primary school, and was instantly enthralled. The time-travel concept merely acting as a catalyst to, at its core, is a movie about growing and changing for the better. RTM repeatedly showed it over the years, and I never failed to watch it. It was only in the mid 90s, when they actually aired Part 2, and I was estatic. This being the era when the internet was not commonplace, I had no idea there was a part 2(and part 3 as I later learned). Part 2 was more fast paced and action packed, and it showed us the iconic hoverboard. To me, the part where history was changed for Marty and Docs 1985 was unlike any movie I had ever watched before. It ended in a cliffhanger and a trailer for part 3, and I was extremely disappointed that RTM never aired Part 3 after that. There was still no internet, so I was left hanging for many years.I only managed to watch Part 3 after the whole trilogy was released on VCD (remember VCD? it was like CDs, but with video!). I quickly saw it as the weakest installment in the trilogy( I wasnt a big fan of westerns), but nevertheless was glad and happy at the ending. So the trilogy was a significant part of my childhood and it shaped my interest in time travel as a story telling device, and subsequently I became a huge fan of Quantum Leap, Sliders, Futurama and Chrono Trigger.I was never one for heavy storylines, so its relatively light hearted and comedic tone really appealed to me as well. Of the 3 movies, Part 1 is my favorite as it covers all the bases and its where everything started.George McFly being my favorite character, I really enjoyed the storyline where Marty tries to set his dad up with his mom. The lightning striking the clock tower at 10.04pm is still one of the most iconic scenes in the trilogy. Though I enjoyed Part 2 when I was younger, on re-watching, I couldnt help but notice certain logical flaws, even within the time travelling premise that was presented. Did Doc really needed to bring them to the future to save their kids? Why not slip Marty a note telling him what to avoid and save everyone the hassle? Well, I guess if that happened we wouldnt have a movie anyway, moving on. My favorite scene is probably the ending, when Marty finishes reading the letter and runs to 1955 Doc, sending him into a shock. As I mentioned, part 3 was my least favorite, but I have come to appreciate it more now that Im older. I felt that it wasnt as fun as the first two, but the final train sequence was epic and reminiscent of part 1s lightning-clock tower scene, in a sense bringing the trilogy to a full circle. Before I end, one trivia that I found out a few years ago only enhanced my love of the trilogy. Coincidentally me and my dads birthdays are both shown in the movies. My dads first birthday, Nov 12, 1955 (he was born in 1954) is the same date as the lightning scene in Part 1, when Marty travels back to 1985. My first birthday, Oct 27, 1985 (I was born in 1984), is the same date that Marty returns to at the end of Part 3. As George McFly put it, perhaps it was density. I suppose this year there will be many rumors of a fourth film. Personally I am open to the idea, but I think no further installment can replicate the magic of the original trilogy(name me a fourth film that is actually good). In the meantime, for me I think a re-viewing of the trilogy is long overdue. Excuse me while I grab some popcorn. I leave you with one of my favorite scenes from Part 1. Enjoy!:)
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:19:51 +0000

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