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This is good. Learn words by a sentence. ----------------------------------------------------- Đi: We GO when the traffic light is green. Dừng: We STOP when the traffic light is red light. Ngủ: I SLEEP at night. Thức: I WAKE UP in the morning. Sống: He LIVED until he was eighty years old. Chết: He DIED in the war. Đẩy: People PUSH their shopping cart around the supermarket. Kéo: The tow truck PULLed the car behind it. Nổi, trôi: A boat FLOATs on water. Chìm: Lead SINKs when it is dropped into the water. Mát: The room is COOLed by the air conditioner. Nóng: Food can be HEATed in the microwave. Ném: We THROW the ball to the dog. Bắt: The dog likes to CATCH the ball in its mouth. Đỗ: I want to PASS my examination. Trượt: I FAILed the test because all of my answers were wrong. Dạy: I TEACH English to the students in my class. Học: My students LEARN a lot. Ngồi: While you are waiting, you can SIT on that chair. Đứng: The guard was STANDing next to the door. Rơi xuống: The snow FALLs on the ground. Mọc lên: The sun RISEs in the East. Mặc vào: It was so cold I decided to PUT ON a sweater. Cởi ra: You should TAKE OFF your shoes before you go to bed. Cười to: He is very funny and I LAUGH at his jokes. Khóc: When I watch a sad movie I have to take tissues in case I CRY. Cười mỉm: We should SMILE when we meet someone new. Mếu máo, trau mày: Sometimes we FROWN when we cant figure out a problem. Làm khỏe lên: I do exercise at the gym to STRENGTHEN my muscles. Làm yếu đi: The earthquake had WEAKENed the bridge and cars could not cross it. Lờ đi: If I dont like what someone is saying I can IGNORE it. Chú ý: I always make sure to PAY ATTENTION when I am in English class. Làm hỏng: I BROKE the glass by dropping it onto the ground. Sửa chữa: When my car broke down I took it to the shop to have it REPAIRed. Tăng tốc: When I drive on the highway I SPEED UP to get home faster. Giảm tốc: When you drive in the snow, you should SLOW DOWN. Nhập khẩu: Some countries IMPORT goods because they are cheaper to buy overseas. Xuất khẩu: Chile is a country which EXPORTs copper to many parts of the world. ------ Gây áp lực: My boss gives me too much work and it STRESSes me. Thư giãn: If you look at the screen too long, you will need to RELAX your eyes. Tìm thấy: The adventures wanted to FIND the treasure. Mất, lạc: I LOST my keys. Do you know where they are? Gieo trồng: When we PLANT a tree we know it will be many years before it bears fruit. Thu hoạch: We HARVEST the crops from the fields. Cho vay: When I was bankrupt, the bank would not LEND me any more money. Đi vay: I decided to BORROW some money from my parents. Tăng: They INCREASED their prices and earned a lot more money. Giảm: To save money you should REDUCE your spending. Hiểu đúng: It is not important to UNDERSTAND every single idea. Hiểu sai: Foreign people often MISUNDERSTAND local customs. Lớn lên: Young people GROW very fast. Co lại: Clothes washed in hot water might SHRINK. Xuất hiện: When you really need it, help will APPEAR. Biến mất: The police looked for the killers, but they DISAPPEARed. Cho: I GAVE my puppy a bone. Nhận: I like to RECEIVE e-mails from my friends. Khóa lại: When you leave your house, you should LOCK the door. Mở khóa: You need a key to UNLOCK the door. Đi vào: Please do not ENTER through the back door. Thoát ra: We EXIT the plane near the cockpit (buồng lái). Đến: Find out when the plane ARRIVEs so you can meet your friends at the airport. Rời đi: You should LEAVE the country before your visa runs out. Đánh lửa: The lightning IGNITEd a huge fire in the forest. Dập lửa: The firefighters used water to EXTINGUISH the flames. Thắng: We are wondering who will WIN the world cup this year. Bại: My favorite team LOST their game. Nhặt lên: You should PICK-UP money if you see it on the ground. Đặt xuống: I usually PUT DOWN my pen when I have finished writing. Hít vào: We need to INHALE to fill our lungs with oxygen. Thở ra: Humans EXHALE carbon dioxide.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 03:20:54 +0000

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