This is great news, and I hope more states will follow suit! - TopicsExpress


This is great news, and I hope more states will follow suit! (especially California!!!) Anaphylaxis happens not only with food allergies in restaurants, but from food handled with latex gloves and ingested by a person with latex allergy. Latex allergy affects 6% of Americans, more than any other food allergy including peanuts. Once I stopped breathing completely when my throat swelled shut in a restaurant from latex glove use on the food and another patron rushed over offering to give me the heimlich manoever. I couldnt breathe any air at all much less speak, and his interruptions hindered my frantic attempt to get my epipen out. So hurray for proper training that will advise them when its a food blockage and when its anaphylaxis. Only one complaint about the article above, where Joshi says, As opposed to having to go to the hospital or call 911 because with severe reactions, timing is very important the earlier you’re treated the more likely you are to have a good outcome with that,” If you are having an anaphylactic reaction, using an epinephrine injector does NOT mean the allergic person wont have to call 911 or go to the hospital. Using an epi just means you have a chance to stay ALIVE until the ambulance gets there to take you to the ER!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 00:13:29 +0000

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