This is hilarious! (Although some of the questions might be a tad - TopicsExpress


This is hilarious! (Although some of the questions might be a tad esoteric for those who have never served time as some species of sacristy rat. ;) ) I got Austin Farrer. Here was the breakdown of my answers: Q1. Mary is standing at the top of an 8.7 meter cliff on Mars (acceleration due to gravity = 3.711 m/s/s), holding a hollow sphere of imperturbable irryllium (mass = 552 g), which she fills with 26 cubic inches of dry ice (density = 1.4 g/cubic foot). She drops the dry-ice-filled sphere with the intent of hitting Jeff (height: 122 cm), who is standing at the foot of the cliff. To slow the descent of the sphere, Jeff generates a uniform upward telekinetic field which is able to partially offset the downward gravitational pull of the sphere. As a result, the elapsed time from Marys initial release of the sphere to its impact with Jeffs skull is 2 minutes, 52.4 seconds. Assuming ideal imperturbability, what telekinetic force (in dynes) must Jeff have generated in order to create the observed result? Answered in 1 min Ideal imperturbability cannot be assumed, and telekinesis does not exist.(William Ralph Inge) Q2. Which of these would be your preferred vacation? Answered in 1 min, 43 secs Classical philology in Auckland(Austin Farrer) Q3. Which of these historical figures do you most look up to? Answered in 25 secs Tertullian.(Donald MacKinnon) Q4. You are walking down the street and see a rival theologian approaching you from the opposite direction. As you prepare to greet your enemy with a sarcastic comment about his Christology, an enormous, genetically-modified goose swoops down and carries your colleague away. What do you do? Answered in 1 min, 11 secs Break into the rival theologians office and help yourself to his liquor cabinet.(John A. T. Robinson) Q5. What is your preferred beverage to consume while writing learned theological tomes? Answered in 29 secs Sherry.(John A. T. Robinson) Q6. Which of these is your favourite sixteenth-century motet? Answered in 26 secs Inviolata integra es Maria (Josquin)(Donald MacKinnon) Q7. You are at a dinner party, and the plate of eel that your host has offered you is obviously undercooked and almost inedible. What do you do? Answered in 44 secs Feed the eel to the cat.(William Temple) Q8. You have been transformed into a pterodactyl. How do you communicate your plight to your next-door neighbours? Answered in 1 min, 14 secs Beat on the windows of their home with your wings.(Eric Mascall) Q9. Which of these is your favourite liturgical object, church furnishing or type of parrot? Answered in 22 secs Aspergilium(Eric Mascall) Q10. Its Sunday morning, and you have found yourself in an unfamiliar parish whose liturgical standards are questionable. Which of these liturgical abuses or dubious homiletical practices do you find most irritating? Answered in 2 mins, 24 secs The chalice is distributed by a trained monkey on a pogo stick.(Austin Farrer) Q11. In which of these cities would you rather live? Answered in 17 secs Oxbridge(Michael Ramsey)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:08:47 +0000

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