This is how Alaska ended up with Common Core: Boards & - TopicsExpress


This is how Alaska ended up with Common Core: Boards & Commissions Factsheets HIGHER EDUCATION/CAREER READINESS Board: Advisory Task Force On Higher Education and Career Readiness Board identification number: 264 Department: Legislative Branch Authority: Chapter 14 SLA 10 Status: Active Sunset date: 7/1/2011 Requirements: No Legislative Confirmation or Financial Disclosure required Prohibitions: None Term: No defined term Description: 20 members: the governor or the governors designee; the executive director of the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education or the executive directors designee; the commissioner of education and early development or the commissioners designee; one member appointed by the governor who represents vocational, technical training, or apprenticeship programs in the state; a student representative appointed by the state Board of Education and Early Development; the student member of the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska or the students designee; the president of the University of Alaska or the presidents designee; the executive director of the Association of Alaska School Boards or the executive directors designee; the executive director of the Alaska Association of School Administrators or the executive directors designee; the president of the National Education Association of Alaska or the presidents designee; the president of the Alaska Federation of Natives or the presidents designee; two members of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, one of whom shall be appointed co-chair; two members of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, one of whom shall be appointed co-chair; one member appointed by the governor who represents private colleges or universities; one member appointed by the governor who represents public postsecondary institutions and who is not affiliated with the University of Alaska; three members appointed by the governor who have specialized knowledge, skill, or experience in education remediation and who are employed as faculty at postsecondary institutions located in separate major administrative units in the state, at least one of whom resides outside of Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau. Function: Compiling data and advising the legislature on matters pertaining to college and career readiness of students who graduate from public secondary schools in the state and students who are nontraditional students. The task force shall (1) compile research conducted in the state and nationally on reducing remediation, improving retention, and increasing college and postsecondary vocational or technical program graduation rates; (2) summarize data on types of testing used to determine college and career readiness; remediation rates; effectiveness of remediation for students entering college or postsecondary vocational or technical training programs with skill deficits; characteristics of programs that are most effective in addressing skill deficits; (3) create a definition of remediation to ensure consistency in reporting of remediation rates by postsecondary institutions in the state; (4) identify the contributing causes of a lack of college and career readiness of students who graduate from public secondary schools in the state and the course topics taken in college or postsecondary vocational or technical training programs for which students require remediation; (5) identify best practices examples of school systems, colleges, and postsecondary vocational or technical training programs that are succeeding in reducing the need for remedial education; (6) explore new approaches that may be effective in producing increased levels of college and career readiness; (7) determine the availability of broadband and Internet capabilities and the effect of the use of electronic, Internet, and virtual instruction on student learning and success in schools; (8) determine the role various types of postsecondary institutions may play in addressing the need for remediation; (9) review graduation rates of colleges, universities, and postsecondary vocational or technical training programs located in the state for the six years preceding the effective date of this section; (10) prepare for the legislature a set of written recommendations to improve remediation, retention, and graduation rates at colleges, universities, and postsecondary vocational or technical training programs in the state; (11) review completion rates for career skill certificate programs, disaggregated by program and postsecondary campus. We appreciate your interest in Boards and Commissions. For further information contact the Boards and Commissions staff at (907) 465-3500 or at [email protected].
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:04:01 +0000

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