This is how genetic modification to our food supply works. In one - TopicsExpress


This is how genetic modification to our food supply works. In one very friendly, short paragraph so you dont get bored or distracted before you learn something. I know youre busy relaxing on here, so Ill keep it brief... :) Corn is the example pictured here. But remember, this is a HUGE business and they OWN your food supply. The whole thing! (Every last food item that you buy.) Wind blows and carries pollen to your gardens, to the organic farms, to the industrial farms, everywhere. Wind also carries Monsantos Chemical, Roundup, as well as all the other lovely things they spray on our foods. It also carries these lovely pollens from the nasty crap you see down there in the picture. Nice, huh? Rather you want this thing or not, its out there. And if you so happen to keep the seeds that grow in your garden and plant them next year, and they catch you at it? They can sue you for theft of their product. Even if you purchased their seeds in the first place. Wacky, huh? Your food supply is dying while they convince you that spraying the same chemicals on your grass, on our foods, used in the chemical compound Agent Orange, during the Vietnam War, is a good idea. And you eat it up and you pay for it in sweet little convenient food packages. and dont seem to care...youre busy, I know... but then you pay for it again, because you fed it to your kids, to your loved ones. Your health and theirs begins to fail. Thats sad. And then, all of the bees and butterflies die because everybody hates BUGS, right? We can kill those indiscriminately cant we? Actually, NO. It turns out that we cant. Without the bugs to pollinate the plants, they dont grow and YOU dont eat. You starve to death really rather quickly. Because, without them, we lose the variety of foods that we have on this, the ONLY planet we can exist on. At least think about it. Please? It is kind of important. Kind of... Dont you think?
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 20:54:11 +0000

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