This is how my XSMAS tradition plays out ^^ At first we put up - TopicsExpress


This is how my XSMAS tradition plays out ^^ At first we put up the tree a day before xmas (Wich is 24 here in sweden) even tho we wanna put it up earlier but were always to lazy and stuff talking for my self and my mum not the entireity of sweden xD Then I get a morgonpaket or as translated to Morning present Witch should consist of something that I can use to have something to do the rest of the day like a drawing pad a movie or something like that. (This is not a Swedish tradition Its only me so far Ive heard of xD) And when I was little my mum took this xmas rope and wrapped it around a present and then went all around the house making this spider web for me an my brother to unfold when we woke up xD And then we watch Kalle anka or Donald Duck as you say. Its a Christmas special I think you guys have it to, We stole it hihih xP And while doing that we eat Christmas candy such as Toffee, Knäck, gingerbread, salted crackers and other kind of candy and cookies. Then we eat christmas food witch for me is: Warm smooked salmon---My favorit a must have, meatballs, tiny sausages, ribs
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 00:44:20 +0000

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