This is how my morning has gone so far- Woke up to a smiling baby - TopicsExpress


This is how my morning has gone so far- Woke up to a smiling baby covered in poo, sitting in poo stained sheets inches from my head. Jumped outta bed and carried poopy baby at arms length to bathroom sink before she started tagging the walls Gave baby a sink bath while toddler came in and reminded me that last night I promised to bake banana bread first thing this morning (it was a bargaining tool to get him to sleep last night) Got baby dressed while toddler told me no less than 1,000 times that he was really really hungry. Made starving toddler and myself quick breakfast (bowl of yogurt) Ate bites of breakfast in between collecting the poopy sheets and all other laundry from the corners of the house (one handed) Ran the first of 4 loads Starving toddler was still starving, fed him bowl of berries. Nursed other apparently starving child (cmon kids, you dont need to cry at the first pang of hunger!) Toddler reminded me of my promise so we get banana bread ingredients out. Made banana bread mostly one handed which involved a swatting and grabby baby trying to intercept every measuring spoon, cup and whisk while toddler wanted to measure the ingredients out ALL BY MYSELF! which never ends well. When I asked him to peel the bananas while I finished measuring some ingredients, he produces only 50% of the perfectly ripe bread-making bananas that I gave him and I notice that his mouth is completely full of banana, chipmunk style, despite his claim that he only had a little bite. I then had to open up a not-so ripe banana to make up for the loss. During babys final screams of frustration to not be able to grab at everything she wants to we manage to pour the batter in, throw it in the oven and set the timer. Time to change toddlers diaper and clothes while I texted a friend to cancel our morning outing since we were running so late Nursed baby to sleep, and breathed a much needed sigh of relief as I found myself in the first still and quiet moment since I opened my eyes that morning. Put baby in her bed and frowned as she immediately popped up to a sit, smiling a mischevious smile. Grabbed baby, strapped her in the carrier and walked around my bedroom while she drifted off. Grabbed my phone to write the events of my morning in an attempt to bring some comedic relief to my reality. Succeeded in that effort. Unstrapped actually sleeping baby and put her in bed. Remembered that there was bread cooking, ran to grab it out of the oven and was surprised to find that it didnt burn. An excited toddler greeted me in the kitchen and showed me all the food that he had been cooking in his kitchen while I was away. I delightfully pretended to taste one of his creations - big mistake! He immediately dropped to the ground in tears, I WASNT FINISHED COOKIN DAT MAMA!!! A 10 minute tantrum ensues. I buttered a steaming slice of bread, presented it to tantrumming toddler whos tears instantly evaporated at the sight of the yummyness. Now I myself am about to eat a delicious slice of banana bread while I start the next load of laundry, clean up the dishes, and refit the sheets on my bed. AND ITS ONLY 11am!!! Wow. Hello weekend, so this is how its going to go down, huh?? Saying that i have my hands full is an understatement. Hands are small, tiny things in comparison to the load of children. I have my arms full... no thats still too small... I have my life full!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:40:16 +0000

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