This is how the phases of the moon appear for us on Earth. One - TopicsExpress


This is how the phases of the moon appear for us on Earth. One full rotation of the moon is about equivalent to one month. Which is ironic because this was a huge factor for woman considering they have their menstrual cycle every month. This is why in Wicca, the moon was the symbol of their Goddess and why back in the day, Wicca was primarily a woman only religion/practice. The moon to them is seen as the female energy. It is the Yin energy provider as the Sun is our Yang. Yin and Yang are the forces of the universe. Both opposites but highly necessary for balance, hence the ever famous symbol. The Moon of our Earth and The Sun of our Solar System play such vital roles in our existence, that without one or the other, life may not be able to exist. We literally live in a very balanced state in the natural world. Even to this day, science cant decipher if it was just a giant coincidence, or if it was all planned and created by some form of higher power. Because of this, every one of us should be grateful we were ever fortunate enough to be able to experience the unfolding of existence itself.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 01:31:36 +0000

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