This is in response to Lynne Lincoln post, as whilst it has some - TopicsExpress


This is in response to Lynne Lincoln post, as whilst it has some validity and some not it also highlights certain aspects that have become a source of frustration on our part as well, some will respond negatively to this no doubt but I feel it has to be said. Yes, we are frustrated as it is the people behind the show who work tirelessly on behalf of not only you but also further afield, and when we see comments like I dont meet qualifications, introducing a parade of characters when heavy recruitment is going on, if I was special op I wouldnt sign up on my computer, no one credible will sign up, chat rooms idle chatter, I sent info but no takers, people wont go out on a limb with no info, is there funding? and the classic it is more about people working off incomplete information. Is it any wonder it has not taken off? Incomplete information? we have put out shows explaining everything including the special show which was basically a very simple level Q&A so people would understand it, for YOU to go out and spread the message, we do our part, that is the members role to spread far and wide, but with the negative overtones displayed above is it any wonder we have not reached further a field? I still get people asking do I have to move to Hawaii? where is the email address? where is the documents? this is not acceptable for us to go out on a limb and people pay half arsed attention to something that is helping THEM. Idle Chatter in chatroom? if that is the case why dont one or two of you alter that? or do we have to do that as well? One post has been running for 18 days is that not idle chatter? it was and still is a very sad case that has happened to LunaLisa and we all showed our sympathy and some tried to help, well I will tell you ALL now, unless you all sharpen up quickly the LunaLisa will happen to each and everyone of us, the heat has been turned up and YOU are all boiling in the pot. I wonder if something needs to change to get er done Yes Lynne and what has to change is peoples attitude and responses to the situation they are facing, too many are sitting back passing judgements on people spending vast quantities of time to try and correct the issue each and every one of us face, too many not grasping the situation we face, too many not paying attention to the help given, too many who think they are awake and that is enough, too many waiting to be spoon fed with not only the information, but want us to fill out the forms and do everything for them, it is this attitude that has got each and everyone one of us where we are today, someone else will fix it, YES THEY THE CABAL HAVE AND RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. Henry Danforth you and I have crossed paths a few times as i feel you have been a tad negative too many times but this quote by you says it all, People will not take it seriously until they are directly affected and experience loss (yes agree 100% it is not happening to me so why should I be bothered) until then it is just fun and games (100% agree) and the best one I feel too many people here on CV are here for social activities sadly as much as it pains me I agree on that too. So, what we have here is a failure to communicate, some people you just cant reach is a famous line worth repeating here now, because if we at Cosmic Voice who wear the badge so proud of I AM AWAKE and the sheeple are not, have a failure to communicate, grasp basics and failure to reach out, what chance of the public at large got? So instead of blaming the messengers put a mirror on your own comments and thoughts and repeat to yourselves, what have I done, have I done enough, am I helping enough and if not, do I have the right to challenge, ridicule or question those who have? Are we just a social setting? or do you genuinely want your freedom back? Because from where I am sitting in this country too many are passing the buck, too many are playing I am the leader, too many are lying down and too many fail to see what is right in front of their face including the awakened ones I want you to all go away and think on this before replying as that will generate a more measured response, I expect I may get some criticism I can handle that as long as it is constructive, but what I would prefer is a massive focus and surge of actual effort to be the one to help not only this country but the world over, I know many who have and are doing this to you people thank you for your efforts and hopefully one day more people will support your efforts than currently being presented to you. The time for petty bickering has to stop, the time for the Drake, John Darash, Dr. Aidun, Kevin Annett, Alfred Weber, Benjamin Fulford, Neil Keenan et al to all collectively come to the table under one banner OUR FREEDOM, not my way is better than your way, all in tandem for one goal the full restoration of all peoples on this planet, living a non slavery life in harmony with everything else, we behind the scenes are working feverishly to engineer the above, but what would be the point if too many on here cant be bothered? Please think about what YOU are doing and YOU are stating, what YOU put out is what YOU get back. The choice is yours on what you do, slavery or freedom? tyranny or harmony? peace or war? poverty or prosperity? sick or well? down trodden or proud? despair or hope? So whats is it to be Cosmic Voice?
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 18:13:58 +0000

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