This is in todays Independent newspaper, JUST WHO DO THEY THINK - TopicsExpress


This is in todays Independent newspaper, JUST WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE, THIS ARTICLE JUST PROVES THAT WE WILL ALWAYS BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY AND AS THE UNDERDOG IN THE PRESENT UK, IT REALLY IS TIME FOR CHANGE, ........................................................................................ Scottish independence: English people overwhelmingly want Scotland to stay in the UK But if Scotland does break away, the English do not want them to keep the pound Chris Green Author Biography Wednesday 20 August 2014 English people’s views on Scottish independence are revealed today by an authoritative study which shows that they profoundly disagree with politicians over what should happen to the UK in the wake of next month’s referendum, regardless of the outcome. The Future of England Survey found that people south of the border are overwhelmingly against Scotland leaving the UK, with 59 per cent saying they would like the Union to stay intact and only 19 per cent favouring separation. But it also showed that English opinions over what should take place after the referendum differ widely from the scenarios on which politicians on both sides of the debate are pinning their hopes. Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond has repeatedly insisted that after independence the country would be able to share the pound with the rest of the UK. However, only 23 per cent of those polled agreed with him, with 53 per cent believing that Scotland should not be able to continue using the currency. There is also only limited English support for the idea that the rest of the UK should support an independent Scotland’s applications to join international bodies such as the EU and Nato, with only 26 per cent agreeing with this statement. People in England also overwhelmingly reject the Scottish Government’s claim that independence will improve relations between the two countries, with only 10 per cent believing that it will. However, in a blow to the Better Together campaign, the survey also shows that English people would be in favour of the UK Government taking a much tougher stance on Scotland if it decides to say in the Union. Most of those polled (56 per cent) agreed that public spending in Scotland should be reduced to the UK average following a No vote, while the vast majority (63 per cent) believe that Scottish MPs should be prevented from voting on English laws in the future. One of the researchers, Professor Richard Wyn Jones of Cardiff University, said there had been “surprisingly little scrutiny” of what the pro-union parties had promised would happen if Scotland rejected independence. “The question for Scottish voters is whether they can rely on pledges about the consequences of a No vote, when such pledges do not seem to be supported in the largest and most politically important part of the union,” he said. “The truth of the matter is that the English appear in no mood to be particularly accommodating however the Scots choose to vote in their independence referendum., Voting yes would appear to be the way forward for Scotland and escape a mentality that has never changed for hundreds of years, it really is no surprise that the Scottish people want independence.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 09:31:54 +0000

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