This is interesting. It appears that long time heavyweight - TopicsExpress


This is interesting. It appears that long time heavyweight Sethian, Paul Helfrich, has been following and is involved with the essence, Elias, who is channeled through a woman since 1995. Seems that Paul has hitched his wagon to the teachings of Elias and claims Elias is very close to Seth in all appearances. Elias has a lot to say about Seth and Seth II. You may want to decide for yourselves. The level of quality of the information is very near that of Seth...Wonder if Barry knows Paul?...from ron...the site is the the Elias forum: An Introduction and Overview Play Real Audio Clip by Paul M. Helfrich, Ph.D. Contents Who is Elias? What is Elias’ agenda? How does Elias present this information? What are some terms that Elias regularly uses? What is an essence name? What is this forum about? What is the Elias phenomenon really about? Appendix I – About the Digests Appendix II – About the Exercises Who is Elias? Elias describes himself as a nonphysically focused “energy personality essence,” or what has been commonly termed a “spirit” or an “entity.” However, he defines the word “essence” as an action rather than an entity. He says that he has experienced many physical lifetimes or “focuses,” but is not physically manifest in this present time framework. Presently, he chooses to focus his awareness in nonphysical areas of consciousness in which he holds the intent of teaching, or more specifically, of offering information within the least amount of distortion. ELIAS: “I am what you are. I am the same as you. I am an energy personality essence, in like manner to yourself. You also are an energy personality essence, but you choose to be focusing your attention within the exploration of physical dimensions. I choose not, presently. I hold a remembrance and you have forgotten, and this is the difference, and beyond this, what I am is the same as what you are.” (Smiling) [session 475, September 22, 1999] [ Go to the top ] What is Elias’ agenda? Elias’ intent, in his interaction with us, is to provide information specifically designed to avoid trauma in what he describes as a “shift in consciousness.” According to Elias, this shift began at the turn of the 20th century, continues until the end of the third quarter of the 21st century, and affects everyone and everything on our planet. ELIAS: “I have stated already the intent of our agenda.” RETA: “You’ve stated it already. So we need to go back through and find it, or would you give me a hint where it is?” ELIAS: “This intercourse occurs for the purpose of delivering information with regard to the shift, in the effort to be lessening the trauma associated with your shift in consciousness.” [session 179, June 01, 1997] The shift involves all human consciousness changing or widening into a state where we become more aware, in every day waking life, of inner information. By “trauma of the shift,” Elias means that in the course of this widening of our conscious minds, it is possible to become confused or disoriented by this newly available information as it “bleeds through” our subjective into our objective minds. Also, many currently accepted mass belief systems will be affected by these changes, for as belief systems change, social, political, and economic systems will transform, too. These transformations in our current, officially accepted way of life have the potential to cause confusion, upheaval, and conflict on a mass scale. Elias says we are creating this shift in consciousness because we, as a species, have become bored. We have exhausted our creativity in our present state and now wish to explore new areas of consciousness. We have spent the last two millennia creating a reality based upon limiting religious beliefs, which have been purposeful and have served us well. But now, on a global scale, we desire to move in different directions. In other words, we are beginning to “remember” our deeper connections to the vastness of our own consciousness. “I am only who I am. The only difference between me and you is that I remember who I am. Therefore, I know, and you do not; this being the only difference.” [session 50, October 30, 1995] The above is a loaded statement, as Elias promotes the idea of a multidimensional source self – our soul – that consists of many simultaneous lifetimes safely ensconced in their own time frameworks. He doesn’t support the conventional notion of “reincarnation,” as that is biased toward beliefs in linear time, cause and effect, and “evolution” from a “lower” to a “higher” state. Elias supports the concepts of becoming, choices within probabilities, and value fulfillment to explain the innate propensity for constant action and change in our reality. He also says that, for the most part, he will be dealing with issues that are quite outside of officially accepted belief systems. And if you’ve read this far, surely you realize that you’re “not in Kansas any more.” In fact, you may feel that you have stepped through the looking glass or into the twilight zone, depending on your perspective. But wherever you find yourself, therein lies the challenge: to begin the process of looking at your own beliefs and how they relate to the officially accepted beliefs of your culture. Elias doesn’t endorse one method over another for recognizing and identifying belief systems. According to him, the ultimate goal is to accept and neutralize beliefs, thus reducing our levels of conflict and trauma/drama. And this process begins and ends with each individual. [ Go to the top ] How does Elias present this information? Elias engages people in private and public sessions, speaking to individuals in a question and answer format, covering a wide variety of related topics. Elias engages what he terms an “energy exchange” with a woman named Mary Ennis. This exchange is similar to what many call “channeling,” but, again, Elias says that these two actions are somewhat different. Channeling involves an interaction with aspects of one’s own essence, and an energy exchange involves a mergence and an exchange with another essence. Mary’s experience within this exchange has changed many times since the sessions began in April 1995. Vicki Pendley managed the transcription and dissemination of the sessions from 1995-2001 (Elias sessions 02-764) and (Patel (Paul) sessions 01-55). She was invaluably assisted by many people. Mary Jane Gilcrease spent a couple of years helping to proofread the transcripts. Ron Churchman spends countless hours making audio tapes and CDs for session participants, managing the growing video and DVD archive, and on other techno-wizard activities. Cathy Churchman helps manage the printing and archiving of the sessions as they grow. Bobbi Houle, Paul Tews, Margot Reed, Daryl Horton, Fran Wing, Donna Friedman, Dale Evans, Naomi Goodin, Wendy Beall, Sue Trainor, Ester Trivino, and Elena de la Pena have also helped with transcribing the original Elias sessions. Since December 2001, Bobbi has taken over the job of managing the transcription process, along with the continued help of the active transcribers. Bobbi has also created a session index and session overviews, and additional compilations found in the Library. The entire process involves many, many hours of volunteer work from all of these individuals. As of this writing, there have been over 2,400 recorded sessions covering dozens of topics, and well over 15,000 written pages. Vicki also included various session notes, corrections, and whimsical comments in the Transcripts that reflect the “real life” nature of this phenomenon as it continues to develop. Mary speaks as Elias 6/21/97 in Elmira, N.Y.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:23:28 +0000

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