This is interesting: a Moslem asks How do you think Christianity - TopicsExpress


This is interesting: a Moslem asks How do you think Christianity can change the world if the absolute law is not present in Christianity itself? Islam in Sharia and Mohammeds example, and Jewish laws from the Mosaic tradition including dietary codes etc... define a society. Im not sure I follow the speakers response, but I have a few thoughts. Per the questioner, “absolute law is not present in Christianity itself.” Absolutism is not a Christian ethic. Christianity defines individual behavior only. Christianity is about ethics, individual behavior. It is precisely that quality that makes it universal. All men should follow an ethical standard, but if each has his own separate standards they will inevitably conflict; as the speaker says, that is a recipe for chaos. Christianity, in the teachings and life of Jesus, provides the common standard necessary as a basis for any society. Christianity doesnt define a government structure, but it does demonstrate that all men have free will, but as equal creations of God, are thus obliged to humility and equal respect. The Ten Commandments and Jesus Love your neighbor as yourself are not a Constitution. They describe individual behavior. With the basic understanding that man has free will, he can be moral in all circumstances regardless of who is governing and under what form of government. A minutely defined and top down organized society, such as sharia, can demand behaviors (such as killing and enslaving infidels). The adherents consider themselves moral because they are doing what is dictated rather than what is universally true. Its much like the bureaucratic jobworthiness of Im just doing my job excusing individual behavior. Many Nazis justified their wartime behavior similarly. Christianity encourages individual ethics in every circumstance - no excuses. The Chinese have recently begun allowing closely monitored Christianity because the ethical behavior it encourages is necessary for markets to operate appropriately. Unethical behavior demands continual monitoring and coercion from an authority. Christianity demands you do the right thing even when no one is looking. Ethical individuals can choose to unite in a society for economic and or political well being; or not. Christianity doesnt demand a government of any kind. It is this individual ethical feature that makes Christianity compatible with Constitutional democracy, where sharia is not. The basic assumption of free will, but in the context of moral ethical obligations and respect, is in fact, the basis of our Constitutional republic. That answers the Moslems question, can Christianity change the world: yes, because it encourages individuals behavior voluntarily and sets the ethical fundamentals of a society of individual freedom and respect for the laws that protect them. The form of government isnt mandated by Christianity, the behavior is if it is to be called moral behavior. Governments have evolved around Christianity and upheld its principles to a greater or lesser degree. But the individuals can be moral within any society, and good can triumph even in the face of coercive evil. youtube/watch?v=bl9ds3W7HQ0&index=6&list=PLMkg-Yw_GRPyXFzuMrQBZ293UZnpRzK5-
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 22:15:39 +0000

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