This is just a small glimpse of the thought that is going into - TopicsExpress


This is just a small glimpse of the thought that is going into SFMP. We are very grateful to have Alan on our team. Station Memorial tree planting symbolism Streetscape, Rain Garden - Serviceberry – Legend tells that it received it’s common name in New England as a moniker of spring and those that had passed from this world unto the heavens over the winter months could now be lain to rest as the ground had thawed enough to inter their corporeal bodies. Entry – Maple Trees (Paper Bark and Sugar in Wetland Buffer) lining the entry symbolize balance and promise. Ever reminding us to keep balance in our lives and from that balance, find peace. Shelter- Cherry Tree (transplant) represents rebirth through death and the awakening of the soul. It is a reminder of the cycle of life through death it is a transformation to new life. Beech Tree next to the shelter is a symbol of tolerance and past knowledge. This tree serves as a reminder to acquire the wisdom in our minds and never to underestimate the power of patience and tolerance. Through tolerance we can learn things that which previously, we never would have known. East walk – Dominant tree Stewartia (pseudocamelia) Camelia is the flower of young sons and daughters. The gift of camellia represents shows gratitude, perfection, admiration, adoration and loveliness. The purity of the heart. Secondary tree Snowbell The flowers of the snowbell form first in a pure white tear drop and when open are best viewed from below and looking toward the heavens symbolic of how one must look towards the heavens to see the beauty. It’s wood is used to craft the Japanese Kokyu, played with a bow, it sounds are melancholy and contemplative. West Walk – Dominant tree Birch, is a brilliant symbol of renewal while paradoxically representing stability and structure. It is also believed to ward off evil, banish fears and build courage. Listen closely and you will detect whispers of transformation and growth in the midst of the birch groves within your soul. The birch is highly adaptive and able to sustain harsh conditions with casual indifference. Proof of this adaptability is seen in its easy and eager ability to repopulate areas damaged by forest fires or clearings. Bright and beautiful, the birch is a pioneer, courageously taking root and starting anew to revive the landscape where no other would before. This is a powerful metaphor for our lives. The birch asks us to philosophically go where no other will go (voluntarily or otherwise). The birch asks us to take root in new soils and light our lives with the majesty of our very presence. The birch sings to us: "Shine, take hold, express your creative expanse, light the way so that others may follow." Secondary tree Red Bud. Represents solace and protection (shelter) alleviating pain and fear, giving hope and bringing peace. Red Bud Tree (Folk song) by Mark Knofler Hunted down I came upon A place of ferns and grass Gathered to a redbud tree And now their footsteps pass Where I crouch in dread Discovery my certain death Bur leaves reaching for my head As I suspend my breath Redbud tree shelter me shelter me Redbud tree shelter me shelter me Those days of fear are gone Yet I am pledged to her As to my only one My lovely protector Redbud tree shelter me shelter me Redbud tree shelter me shelter me Redbud tree shelter me shelter me Redbud tree shelter me shelter me. Surround – Evergreens are the sentinels of the forest providing protection and shelter through out the seasons. Cedar Tree - The cedar tree is symbolic of healing, cleansing, and protection. It can be used to cleanse a space from bad memories or auras associated with it. Cedar is one of the most important Native American ceremonial plants, used by many tribes as incense and purifying herb. Cedar is especially associated with prayer, healing, dreams, and protection against disease. Cedar is commonly used as part of sweat lodge ceremonies, and is also one of the herbs frequently included in medicine bundles and amulets. Cedar leaves and bark are used as medicine plants in many tribes as well. Cypress Tree - The cypress tree is symbolic of the role of sacrifice. It is a constant reminder that sacrifices always must be made to reach what we achieve. It also reminds us that our sacrifices are always paid back to us in the end. Pine Tree - The pine tree is symbolic of the balance of pain and emotions and creativity. This reminds us to use all of our emotions in our art of in a creative way and not only is it a good release of those bottled up emotions but it makes our art more worthwhile. Spruce Tree - The spruce tree is symbolic of new realizations and healing. This tree reminds us that through analytical thought we are able to work through issues in our lives and heal ourselves. Fir Tree - The trunk of the fir reminds us of a tall straight pillar of strength, a symbolic tower of truth. Grouped together, they are a symbol of friendship. This symbolism is furthered by the fact that firs are evergreens. As they never loose their green vibrancy - they are a reminder of the life-long connections we share with our friends. Ground Plane Many of the plants have there own meanings but, the main objective is to bring beauty, fragrance and (wild) life to the garden particularly songbirds and pollinators each with their own significance. Butterflies, in particular, are the symbol transmutation, rebirth and transformation. The circles of bulbs with in the lawn further strengthen the metaphor of the ripples spreading out across the world. They will emerge in early spring and spread outwards only to fall back to sleep before the lawns need to be maintained and await their rebirth the following spring. Best Regards, Alan R. Ahlstrom, RLA,CH
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 00:57:45 +0000

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