This is just my opinion and although many of you will think I am - TopicsExpress


This is just my opinion and although many of you will think I am crazy and that the United States would never go to such extremes to invade another country you might want to research it yourself and while youre at it research the Vietnam War also ...I have spent the majority of the day researching the September 11,2001 incident and the years coming leading up to that day starting with the first George Bush administration... I find it very sad that people had to die in order for the USA to invade the middle east because of oil.. It seems to me that couldve been another way rather than killing all those people at the World Trade Center.. after reviewing a lot of the photos, articles etc and the oddities that happened on September 11 ...I sadly think the USA played a big part in the attacks that day.. Too many things happened within the government afterwards giving the USA an excuse to get a foothold in the middle east ... Including a new law that Congress and Senate passed authorizing the use of armed forces against Iraq ...this empowered the president to declare war without obtaining the UN Security Councils authorization ...from that day on the president was in full charge of the Iraqi situation with the assistance from the State Department the Pentagon the CIA and the White House advisers ... The USA did not like it that Iraq was selling oil to Russia China and France and our dependence on foreign oil was making the oil market peak shifting the balance of power to the oil producers ..this could make the USA economy very vulnerable to an oil shock would be fatal to US presidents and our global power as a country.. The USA needed to get a foothold in the Middle East and do it fast ... What better way than to use a terrorist attack on US soil ... now we are on the Middle East and we will never leave I said this is my opinion and I am entitled to it ...
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:39:09 +0000

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