This is just my opinion so far, but after the initial, - TopicsExpress


This is just my opinion so far, but after the initial, overwhelming police response in Ferguson, MO., brought about the counter-response of deescalating them and reducing their offensive capability, we have seen outside players - not residents - enter the scene in the nights that have followed who have been given cover by simply being labeled anarchists, and who have made sure to introduce the violence and crime needed to justify the re-entry of a militarized police over-response, but for something much bigger than one Missouri town. Did you notice that the police were wearing no identifying badges, patches, or name tags on the first night in Ferguson? Have you noticed that the governor of MO. hasnt yet been to Ferguson, and its been ten days now since the shooting that touched off the protests? Have you noticed that the police officer who killed Michael Brown has not been charged yet, or even just held, but is still on paid leave? There are those who have paid handsomely to be directly protected by our militarized police forces around the nation - police who are increasingly being given weaponry directly from our military - and who therefore do not want to see any justifications stand to demilitarize them. Who are they? The government underneath our government - dark money - that is actually our government. The 1%-ers who stand to lose if the police are not able to frighten us into submission in protecting them against us should we finally determine weve got nothing to lose by mounting counter-offensives against them for taking our democracy and our lives away for their gain. Further, these particular 1%-ers want our poor and our democracy out from under their feet. One politician was recorded saying his fellow politicos didnt have the guts to just let our poor people die off. Police and vigilantes have murdered them in cold blood, as Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown were murdered. Racism is just a cynical convenience to them. The cover story thats attempting to be proffered here is, See, We, the People? You NEED military shock-and-awe offensive capability from your police, or youll get looting, shootings, chaos, and death. Ironic in the extreme, but likely not to the poor people of Detroit, MI., who had their water turned off, as just one example of eliminating the 1%-ers problem people elsewhere in our country.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:06:29 +0000

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