This is just so disheartening. Texas needs to clean out the trash - TopicsExpress


This is just so disheartening. Texas needs to clean out the trash that has accumulated in the halls of our government after years of One Party rule. Our leaders - and I use that term very, very loosely - are so blinded by power that they will trample the Constitutional rights of the Texans they are supposed to represent in order to win elections . Texas Republicans use the Peoples House as though it is their own private playground, and act like school yard bullies who are willing to enact whatever ill-conceived rules they think necessary in order to keep those with different ideas out. I hope Mr. Abbott appreciates that but for the quick and intelligent intervention by amendment of the Democratic woman senator (who is running against him for Governor), his right to vote would have been stripped by the very law he championed. A law so transparently vile that even the reliably conservative Washington Post takes him to task for it. I swear, some days living in Texas is just so humiliating. smh.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 08:53:54 +0000

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