This is just something that is bothering me real bad and I must - TopicsExpress


This is just something that is bothering me real bad and I must get it off of my chest but it will ever be on my mind. This is apart from recent posts which I have been making but I felt the urgency of the moment and must needs go thru Samaria! There is a damnable doctrine and it is weaving its way thruout churchianity and if you dont get a love for the truth and for the Whole Truth contained from Genesis to Revelation you will soon be drinking the kool aid along with the others who are drinking at this pool of human wisdom which repudiates the word of God...they world by wisdom knew not God. This teaching appears to be one of love and mercy but it is picking and choosing verses that appear to suggest contrary to what the revealed word of God says. Some of the proponents of this message are getting air time on some of the major networks as it goes against everything that OLD TIME RELIGION ...ever taught... A heaven to gain and a hell that is hot and an eternity that is longer and longer yet...and to which there is no end and a judgment day coming and ....acccording to this new fangled teaching HELL HAS DOWNSIZED AND WILL SOON BE EMPTY...dont you ever believe it this is ridiculous and the men and women who are speaking these lies do it so as to justify their ungodliness as they of their kind always have and always will. It is called the gospel...and it is anything but the gospel as it is a lie...and no lie is of the truth.... it is called ...OF INCLUSION! Everybody is going to be ulitmately saved and that includes the devil! Please folks this is a very real danger and its inroads into Pentecostal circles is absolutely frightening if I didnt know the truth....God will send them strong delusion that they will believe a lie and be damned because they received not a love for the truth! Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived! Turned to fables is what the Apostle says.... The bible says that God is going to take flaming vengeance of fire upon them that know not God and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ....and hell hath enlarged herself for the masses going in thereat! It is not enough to believe as satan believes and trembles and he is going to split hell wide open and those who believed a lie shall be damned for eternity. If everybody who has any religious belief system is going to automatically get a pass as some are teaching why in the world do we keep sending missionaries abroad in the face of certain and immenent danger? Why dont we bring them home and we do we continue to pray the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborer into his harvest...doesnt he have a clue that everybody is going to be saved in this new teaching of inclusion.... I believe the whole world lieth in wickedness is the only inclusion which is taught in the scriptures and that we all like sheep have gone astray and ...we need a savior for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God that message of inclusion I CAN PREACH....but the other is the figment of those in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them. I believe that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself and that every man woman and child is reconciled thru the sacrifice made upon Calvary with the shed blood of Jesus Christ ...but the message of reconciliation must be preached into all the world and it must be received and acted upon with faith and obedience and when this message of Gods great love wherewith he hath loved us is heard it will be confirmed with Godly sorrow which worketh repentance and we will be faithful to preach that remission of those sins is obtained in a water grave ....and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord and a like figure whereunto baptism doth now save us is STILL IN THE BOOK... and God hath promised to give the seal of inclusion in that redemptive work when they receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost evidenced with supernatural utterances of magnifying God for his great grace which he hath abundantly shed forth in our hearts....and so you know I just had to get this off of my chest but never off of my mind! And so now you know what has been on my mind!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:10:15 +0000

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