(This is kind of long, but I think its worth the read.) What - TopicsExpress


(This is kind of long, but I think its worth the read.) What If... You could only get welfare if you were a single parent and could only draw for no more than two children (you could still have more children, just not at the governments expense). What If... Crimes of social policy (such as DUI, drug distribution, etc.) would still be subject to mandatory treatment, but not at the governments expense. What if... Everyone else could apply for assistance, but instead of getting a welfare check, they were automatically put to work for a government project (construction, highway creation or repair, joining the military, etc.) and they were only paid weekly until the project was completed. Then, they could apply for work in the private sector with a glowing recommendation from the government, or re-apply for another project. What if... Banks and large lending institutions could only charge a capped ceiling for interest on loans, and had to be taxed twice as much on that interest as the consumer borrowing, as well as submitting regular reports on all of their profits. What if... Schooling was fully funded up to a Bachelors degree only and graduates would be guaranteed positions in a government project or the military for a two year requirement. What if... The parole system was eliminated, and lawyers could no longer deal for criminal lives in plea bargaining away the death penalty. With all appeals limited to only the cases in which no innocent blood was spilled (relieving the cost of frivolous time spent in court and attorney fees) with all appeals done pro bono. What if... The death penalties were dispatched with the same speed that a speedy trial is... What if... Convicts would be subject to reviews of their files by the DOC based upon the way theyve served their sentence. No more guaranteed hearings-20 to life would mean just that, twenty years before eligible to be reviewed and then, only if the DOC determined that the convict had earned it, not because it is mandatory. With no parole, convicts would be subject to early releases, only. All releases would be instituted with mandatory intensive probation for 5-10 years of monitoring based upon the severity of the original crime (it is wrong to avail criminals with the same resources and assistance that regular citizens can not even get-schooling, welfare, etc.). What if... People who were law-abiding, tax paying citizens who were not on any given government subsidy received the same amount that an individual costs the government a year being subsidized as a deduction from the taxes he or she is required to pay on a yearly basis. What if... Government officials were only paid a comparable amount to the private sector doing the same duties and had to pay into a 401K for their retirement just like everyone else. I dont claim to have all the answers or that any of the above would be solutions. I simply think that if our nation wanted to, there could be many things taking place that would both save our country monies and contribute more to our national society. Just wanting to ask: What if... -Mule, 2014.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:46:51 +0000

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