This is kind of sad. People are fascinated by the geniuses - TopicsExpress


This is kind of sad. People are fascinated by the geniuses presented in the media. Say genius, and people are immediately going to think of Albert and his crazy hair. Or DaVinci withe drawings of flying machines, and the man in the circle. But how many people have really known geniuses..... Statistically they only comprise one or two percent of the population. Personally I know two. A man and a woman. They are both part of the MENSA society. They scored highly on the test, and got a membership card. Yet, ironically, they are very unhappy people. The man in question is marred by a horrendous laziness,and he suffers from a crippling depression. He is also incredibly rude and confrontational. And he has the patience of a two year old child. Because of this he has not mastered even very basic skill sets, and is, for most things , completely unemployable. He is full of self loathing and does not even begin to see that his self concept is crippled by the fact that he is resigned to his own laziness. He doesnt care, he knows he doesnt care, and he doesnt care that he doesnt care. He is a mensa genius with a derelict mind. Its not that he is a detestable person, but it is wearisome to maintain a friendship with someone who has an emotional meltdown when you challenge his opinion. The woman in question is different. She isnt lazy. But, she is also incredibly confrontational. She is usually pleasant enough, but she gets caught up in completely trivial things. And she ends up making a federal case out of minutia. As the Texans say, shes constantly picking pepper out of fly shit.Furthermore, she cant keep a job because she has huge authority issues. She is a genius and she confuses it with being accomplished. And, as you would guess, when people do not defer,to, what in her mind, is critically important, she has a melt down. Apparently being a genius does not preclude a person from thinking two dimensionally; being tall does not make you a basketball player. The other genius I know suffers from paranoid psychosis, and his symptoms fit the clinical profile like a hand in a glove. Lets just say hes openly accused me of having allowed agencies to install listening devices in the dashboard of my vehicle, so the could gather information on him. His peculiar folly is that he cant stay married to an ambition past the honeymoon. He is eminently talented but he cant carry the ball to the end of the field. Rather than dealing with that folly seriously, his mind has created a chimera of fear which blames outside agencies for keeping him down. Now, I realize that nobody is going to think I am holding these people up for scorn and ridicule. Obviously they are all very hurt and broken people. And, obviously, for a person to thrive, and grow, a person has to learn to see past themselves. Otherwise people confuse a change with an improvement, and keep jumping fences to find greener grass. Or fear and exasperation drive them from distraction to distraction. Society has always revered intelligence, and hated it. I have seen intelligent people utterly resented. And I have seen intelligent people completely victimized through social politics. Furthermore, the world of academia, and technology, has hailed and praised every innovation. And the people who make these leaps in science art and technology are awarded with honors and prizes. But, as fate would have it, I spoke with an educator about these things. His take was interesting. He said talent isnt rare, character is rare...and, as life would have it, character is destiny, not genius. And the life we get to live comes from the demands we make upon ourselves, and, of course Gods own providence. And, like my dad says, God rest his soul; everything can only stay by the manner of its keeping. For geniuses, mice, and men.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 03:47:49 +0000

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