This is late in being posted, but worth sharing . . . One - TopicsExpress


This is late in being posted, but worth sharing . . . One week has already passed since election night, and we continue to receive support and encouragement from so many of you – we are overwhelmed by those standing by our side that want to continue fighting for the principles that drove us to run for office. While it is disappointing that we were not able to emerge victorious last Tuesday, I am proud of the campaign we ran and of the incredible sacrifice of our staff and volunteers who worked tirelessly on my behalf. I am thankful for your dedication to preserving and protecting the values that make this county great. That dedication kept me encouraged as I campaigned each and every day over the last eight months. This has been an incredible journey. I enjoyed traversing the district with my wife Laura, meeting new people and seeing so many citizens actively engaged in the political process. Although the result of the race was not what we desired, I was happy to see the results we obtained at a national level. Republicans took control of the Senate and expanded their majority in the House. I hope they will use this opportunity wisely, and that they will focus on getting the results that the American people, and specifically the people of the 1st District, need. We desperately need tax restructuring and regulatory reform. We need to tackle the National Debt. We need a strong immigration system. But most of all, we need Republicans to stand up to President Obama. He cannot continue to govern by executive fiat. His executive actions are setting a dangerous precedent, and are putting our country in peril. I promise to continue fighting for the values I based my campaign on. As I said on the campaign trail, I am an American by choice, and I will do everything in my power to keep the American Dream alive for future generations. I also encourage you to remind Ms. DelBene that she is in Congress to represent you, not her party. Let’s use our 90,000+ voices to keep her accountable and focused on getting real solutions for our district. I look forward to seeing many of you in the months and years to come as we continue to stay engaged and fight for the future of this great county. God Bless, Pedro Celis
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:25:53 +0000

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