This is less of a confession and more of a plea. Occasionally at - TopicsExpress


This is less of a confession and more of a plea. Occasionally at my work, Im one of the people who has to clean the bathrooms before we close for the night. Social convention teaches us that women are fastidious, neat and organized, while men are brash, chaotic and impulsive. This would lead one to assume that the mens bathroom would be a chamber of haphazard urine splashes with a complete disregard for hygiene; while the womens evokes a supposition of sparkling bidets and floral aromas. However, curiously the truth is the exact opposite of this. On any given night, the worst thing waiting for me in the mens bathroom is a spotty mirror and perhaps a pubic hair or two on the rim of a urinal. While that may not stimulate your appetite, its nothing compared to the nightmarish horror that is the womens restroom. Just opening the door hits you with a sour fishy smell that wallops you in the face like a slap from rotten meat. Multiple toilets clogged from women using entire rolls of toilet paper, garbage cans overflowing with dirty diapers, and perhaps worst of all, enough drips and splashes of coagulated period blood spattered across the tile to make the cinematographer of the Shining cry copyright infringement! Please ladies, I realize that the bathroom is a place to meet and take care of your bodily needs; thats its purpose after all. But for the sake of whatever deity you hold dear, I beg of you to think of the poor men like me, trapped in economic limbo with no choice but to clean up after you for our meager paychecks. I beg of you to think about your own son or brother, forced to pick through and essentially bathe in the nasty menstrual expulsions of anonymous, faceless old women. Only you can prevent this horror, this travesty from repeating itself from now until the end of time. Do the right thing, ladies.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 17:14:07 +0000

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