This is long, I know. I apologize for mucking up your feed but - TopicsExpress


This is long, I know. I apologize for mucking up your feed but please. Please. Read what I have to say, this is something I feel very strongly about. No its not just a send off to Mr Williams. Thank you for everyone that is in my life, you are everything to me and you have no idea how greatly I value you. Cheers. As a kid I used to stay up late watching Robin Williams improv and dream one day I could act like him. Comedic timing, wit, he was a master of storytelling and someone Id always looked to as Thats what I wanna be like but theres alot of things about Mr Williams that werent so great too. I mean, hes human like the rest of us. He struggled alot with substance abuse and constantly sought help for it, as a result suffered from bipolar and depression. Most people dont truly realize that because he always kept a smile on his face and likewise kept his audience laughing. Its a real distraction, ya know? I mean laughter is considered to be the opposite spectrum of sadness so quite often we ignore the signs that our loved ones are really struggling. I mean how can they be? They look so happy, right? But in reality they struggle with depression and anxiety and insecurities and all the things no human being should but do for all sorts of reasons, just like any other person. Depression sucks. Most of yall probably dont know but Ive struggled with it for round about 6 years now. Some may not be surprised but Im sure alot of you are, after all I come across so excited and Im very friendly, yea? But sometimes it feels like Im drowning, absolutely suffocating. It can come out of nowhere, laughing with friends and then just after they leave I find my optimism replaced with a disparity that should seem foreign but is rather all too familiar. I really dont want to get into it all but yes, Ive thought about suicide. Alot. Much more than anyone should. Im not looking for pity but rather I feel the need to advocate optimism and kindness. Millions of people in this world do not realize how truly special and loved they are. Everyday we pass by people on the streets that have forgotten their self worth and we dont even notice because a broken heart and shattered spirit arent always things you can spot on the surface. But fear not! You see there is a cure for such horrendous things and luckily its quite simple! All we have to do as fellow human beings is show compassion. It may come in the form of Your hair looks nice today, or saying hi to someone new, waving at a stranger at a stop sign, asking someone how there day was, tell your friend you love them for no reason at all, etc etc. Its not groundbreaking, no, but it is positively absolutely the most helpful treatment in the world. I firmly believe that if you push positivity into the world you will in fact be greeted with it. Very frequently we are reminded of how broken our lives and the world we live in are but often we forget that great things can come from the same brokenness. The world is a mosaic and every little jagged piece makes a difference, you are of no exception. I urge you to remind others that they matter just like I want to remind you that you matter. You see people need people. And Id just like to offer my outstretched hand and open arms to anyone and everyone that feels like they need someone. Im always here and I hope when I need yall, youll be there too. Mr Williams death is tragic but please dont let it be in vein, everyone has trials and tribulations, even the ones that dont necessarily seem to. Your voice may seem small compared to that of depression but please, dont underestimate the power of a whisper.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:25:04 +0000

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