This is long, but I want to share what God has done in our lives - TopicsExpress


This is long, but I want to share what God has done in our lives in the past almost couple of years. In January of 2013, Hollie and I stepped down as youth pastors of a church that we loved dearly. Little did we know that we would be stepping into about 21 months of where we would have to fully rely on God for everything. During this time period I applied at many churches for youth pastor positions, only to have every door close on me. I ended up taking a job working with school-age kids at Building Rainbows Day School -Cypress, making less than half of what I made at the church I had previously worked at. There were many times when Hollie and I almost packed up and moved back to Northeast Texas because we werent even sure how we were going to pay rent. When you live in a city where demand for housing is higher than supply, such as in Houston, rent tends to be astronomical. However, we never felt right about moving back to Northeast Texas, although we miss our friends and family. Every time our rent came do, God supernaturally provided. Looking back over the last 21 months, Im amazed that we are still living in Houston and even more amazed that we havent lost anything or gotten behind in our bills. Last year Hollie and I made less than $25,000.00 together. Not many people know about this because we dont share much of our personal business with anyone. In January of this year, Hollie and I felt led to start a church. This was a huge step of faith because God called us to plant the church the hardest way to plant a church. We werent sent out of a church, we didnt have a church that could financially support us and we didnt have a group of people come on board with us immediately. We started with three people, me, Hollie and a friend of ours. We were obedient to the call and lives were changed, yet the church never gained much momentum. We started out meeting in a hotel and had to move to our apartment due to lack of finances. As we began to get closer to Harmonys arrival next month, I began to get more nervous. Here I am, a bi-vocational church planter making $300.00 a week and my wife is about to quit her job for good to stay home and raise our two girls. I got desperate and applied at a car dealership as a new car salesman(not what I wanted to do lol), and that door closed on me as well. I remember praying to God that night saying, I dont know what Youre doing, but You have provided for us this far, I know Youre in control and I will rest in that. The next day a friend of mine messages me on FB to tell me about a church in Pearland looking for a full time youth pastor, and he felt I would be a good fit for the church. I had not even been looking for another ministry position, and wasnt even considering looking for one. I sent the Pastor my resume, not expecting anything, but that night the Pastor emails me back letting me know hes interested. We met, went to a Sunday service and we knew immediately this is where God was calling us. Last week we were offered the position, and we accepted and since then it seems like the floodgates of heaven were launched open and blessings have just been coming down nonstop. Not only will this position be able to support my family and will allow Hollie to not have to work, but it is also doing something I love and being a part of a church that is truly Pentecostal. We have also had other unexpected monetary blessings come to us that we were not expecting. The way God has moved the past couple of weeks really has been overwhelming, to the point where I have caught myself in tears of joy a couple of times. We dont always understand why things happen and why we have to face difficulties, but we can rest knowing that God has a plan and ultimately He is in control.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 02:23:20 +0000

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