This is long but PLEASE read... There is probably something here - TopicsExpress


This is long but PLEASE read... There is probably something here you should know! We have welcomed a lot of new fans in the last few weeks. I guess its time to send this out again. This is my introduction, how the Effective Tactics page works, our rules, our basic weekly schedule, and our general giveaway formats. Weve never posted it all in one place before. So, here is goes. •EffectiveTactics Mission At this point, in the life cycle of this page, some of you know me personally. A few of you have even been welcomed to my personal FB page. You know I can get pretty passionate about some topics. I promise that this will not be That place. I am a Conservative Christian patriot. I believe in our Constitution, I am a staunch supporter of the Bill of Rights (the whole thing!). I love my God, my wife, my kids, my family, and my friends. Id lay my life down for any of them but Im not going down without a FEROCIOUS fight! I will try to keep political/religious posts to a minimum on this page. The purpose of this page is for ALL people interested in becoming better prepared for disaster, epidemic, financial collapse, alien invasion (for my father in law. LOL), or whatever life may bring to your doorstep. We will cover topics of preparedness, personal security, home defense, food storage, first aid, camping, hunting, gardening, canning, and the occasional laugh (Sunday Silly). The hope is to keep the information simple, relevant, and practical. I want to help take the fear out of getting started and open a dialog with those who have knowledge to share. I dont want politics and religion to be a divisive intrusion on our ability to communicate. I have my beliefs and you have yours but we can come together on the topic of preparedness. EFFECTIVE ef·fec·tive iˈfektiv adjective 1. successful in producing a desired or intended result. effective solutions to environmental problems synonyms: successful, effectual, potent, powerful; helpful, beneficial, advantageous, valuable, useful; formalefficacious an effective treatment convincing, compelling, strong, forceful, potent, weighty, impactful, sound, valid; impressive, persuasive, plausible, credible, authoritative; logical, reasonable, TACTICS tac·tic ˈtaktik noun plural noun: tactics 1. an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end. synonyms: strategy, scheme, stratagem, plan, maneuver; •The RULES! AMERICA has FREEDOM OF SPEECH! As long as youre courteous and respectful, so does MY PAGE. I ask that you keep the language PGish... I understand that emotions get the best of people from time to time. Im pretty lenient on this but dont push it. If you speak ill about our troops, youll get banned... I wont tolerate it. If you speak ill of law enforcement in general... Banned for that too. If we share a video or article about a particular dirty cop, thats cool, but dont lump all cops into that category. If you complain about a giveaway, youll be banned. No warning. No comment. No reply. Just banned. If a company donates a product and you talk crap about their product... Banned. If you attack a fan for an honest question... Yep, banned too. We are all here to learn and you arent that cool. Get over yourself. •Effective Tactics Schedule (not set in stone but I try): M- most giveaways start. Eventually we will have MamaTactics Mondays T- will eventually be a TeenTactics Tuesday where my oldest will post something for kids Also we will be starting TactiTool Tuesday. We will bring one piece of Tactical type gear or tool. W- (not every week) is the TOPIC OF THE WEEK. I write my most important articles on preparedness and post them to EffectiveTactics Th- is Trivia Thursday. We share from American History & Trivia. Also the RED Alert, RED Friday Reminder F- RED FRIDAY!!! We LOVE and honor those who serve and our Veterans. RED Friday - Remember Everyone Deployed Friday is also when I try to share a couple pages and our Giveaways usually end. Sa- Safety Saturday - we cover personal and home safety Su- Sunday Silly - we kinda take Sunday off. I schedule some funny stuff with a preparedness twist. •Giveaways: FROM NOW ON, I will pick giveaway winners from those who have Liked, Commented, and Shared on our regular posts. I will choose a post at random and then use Random to pick a winner from that post. There will be at least 2 giveaways a month. Sometimes weekly. Regular Giveaways will always end on Friday at 6PM Pacific Time. You will have until 6 PM ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY (3 days) to claim your prize by messaging the page. You will not get tagged, messaged, or poked to tell you you have won. We will post the winner and pin that post to the top of the page. If you wanna know who won, come and look. Itll be easy. If youre the winner... Simply message us with some shipping info. I feel that this is the fairest way to reward the people who are here to learn. Sponsored Giveaways, Live Giveaways, and Page Friend Giveaways will have their own rules. Live Giveaway rules. We always post a warning 1 hour in advance. If you miss that, that sucks. Sorry. At 6pm, Pacific Time (9pm Eastern) we announce a winner in a separate post (so refresh the page or you might miss it). You will have 2 minutes to comment, on THAT post, to claim your prize. If not, well pick another name. Got it? If the time stamp from the post and your comment are more than 3 (THREE) minutes apart, tough luck. If you are under the 3 minute threshold, Ill accept an appeal and give you, and the other winner, a prize. It hasnt happened yet, but I can foresee the possibility and want to cover that now. •Shenanigans... Our night owls know about these. These are for the insomniacs and those lucky enough to be in a forgiving timezone. Very little warning (usually under 30 minutes). These are as random as it gets. Ive had fans telling their best joke, their last preparedness purchase, guess my birthday... It can be anything. I just promise that they will be fun and the prize will be cool. •GIVEAWAY SHIPPING!!!!! I ship most prizes USPS Priority. If you live close to California, it might come First Class because it doesnt change the delivery date. I DO SHIP INTERNATIONALLY! Ive had 9 winners from other countries. I just ask that you tell me if the prize is prohibited in your country. We will find something for you, even if I have to go BUY a prize just for YOU! Preparedness is a GLOBAL mindset. Our foreign friends should not be left out. Now go have an amazing day and go buy one thing just in case. Thats exactly how you start prepping.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 03:10:24 +0000

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