This is long, but is one of the better debates concerning - TopicsExpress


This is long, but is one of the better debates concerning Evolution and Creationism. The main problem, and the reason this issue will most likely never be resolved in my lifetime, is that science only takes into account what we can see and test and prove. Science creates models that say, if A and B are true, then we C should also be true; and over the centuries, C has either been proven to be true, or scientists have reevaluated A and B. Scientists create these models because we are driven by curiosity. We want to know how, why, who, and when. Creationists rely on translations of a book, which was originally a collection of oral traditions, that have come down to us over the centuries though multiple languages for a variety of socio-political reasons that have nothing to do with faith. I feel sad for any person who can read a single text and not want to know more, for a person who lacks the curiosity to know what came before and what may come after. And more than that, I dont understand how a person can take scientific evidence and throw it out just because it doesnt fit the idea that Creation is only 6,000 years old as told by the longest game of telephone in human history. My journey has drawn me to ask the questions what is God? Is God merely a super-intelligence of this Universe or something greater? Is God the primordial quantum soup of infinite possibility which our brains break down into what we perceive as reality? Does that make all of us a part of God? Did God cause the Big Bang and, if so, why? Is God a fourth dimensional being that collapsed a fourth dimensional star to create a singularity that became our Universe, as new evidence suggests? Does god, in fact, know our every thought and everything we will ever do in our lives, what does that mean about free will, and is it the same for all other life in the Universe, and if so, what are we to God? The things I dont question are the tested and proven mechanisms of nature. Mechanisms which to me increase, rather than decrease, the wonder of a being that could set them in motion. There is a joy in discovery, and maybe there is a certain bliss in ignorance, as they say; but it pales in comparison to that moment of greater understanding. The scientist in me says I dont know the truth, but Ill keep looking. And my faith in that which is greater than myself will continue to evolve with each new discovery. Every time this happens, I feel more fulfilled. I hope we never get to the point where we say Thats it. We know enough. Lets stop searching. Science may never be able to prove or disprove the existence of God, and maybe thats the point. If each person is truly a bit of God broken off from the whole, and our brains are receivers and translators of the infinite possibilities of the universe, then maybe the struggle between observation and faith is the reason we are here to begin with. What if God is using us to decide what God believes? End of tangential rant.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 22:16:35 +0000

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