This is long, but please read… Wow!!! This Plexus journey has - TopicsExpress


This is long, but please read… Wow!!! This Plexus journey has already been great!!! I began in July 2013 and I am already down 20 lbs. I hesitate telling people this because everyone loses at such different rates and I do not want anyone discouraged if their weight loss is different in the beginning. I started with Plexus with a big leap of fate. I just knew my life would not have been extended to the degree I wanted it due to my lack of taking care of myself. My Mother passed away from diabetes complications at age 67; however, she struggled many years before that from this disease. I know I do not want the things I watched her go through to happen to me as my family sits by. I have many health problems…diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, over weight… Which all of these health problems most likely boils down to one thing…me being so overweight. I have not put anything on Facebook for everyone to see before I personally knew it worked. I didn’t want to represent Plexus without me proving this to myself first. I have been on so many diets and yes, some worked and some did not, but none of them ever lasted and hardly any were healthy. I even have been through a class with a doctor to even pursue gastro bypass surgery. My husband was not supportive of this at all. He had just heard so many negative aspects and felt that was too extreme for me. I felt that was my only answer, but with the high cost of the surgery and my insurance would not cover it, I was never able to make this happen. I now know this was all in God’s hands and I am rejoicing today that I didn’t personally go in this route. I know this works for many people, but I would probably not have been able to do what I was supposed to do… When a friend of mine sent me an email over the summer about Plexus, I began reading, studying, and listening to many testimonials. This friend has watched me struggle with my diabetes for years and when she tried Plexus and saw all the wonderful things it was doing for her she had to share. I quickly realized this is indeed for me. I became an ambassador (a person that can purchase the products at a much cheaper price and/or sell the products). To become an ambassador, it is just $34.95 a year. If you are interested in that aspect, then I will be happy to talk to you about becoming an ambassador. Even before I received my first shipment in the mail, I attended a session in Savannah to learn more about Plexus and what it had to offer to me and I attended one in Claxton too. I also participated in a few opportunity calls. I did become an ambassador to receive the products at a cheaper rate, but now I want to help others achieve their goals. I just started out on the slim and accelerator. However, now I am taking many of the other products too and absolutely loving them all!!! An ambassador told me, “Be a product of the product.” That really stuck with me. I am certainly heading down that line. Now remember I was one that wasn’t taking care of me. I didn’t check my blood sugar because it was always high. I didn’t weigh because I was never losing weight. I really didn’t do anything like I should. I guess I look back now and realize I was probably falling into a state of depression. I can already see a humongous difference in me. My blood sugar is so much better. A story I have shared with a few is when my family and I used to go out to eat, the waitress would have to stand over me with a pitcher of water and this would embarrass my family because I just couldn’t get enough to drink. I would always order water and my family would get other drinks. After hearing them make comments about this each time, I came up with a plan and it seemed to work just fine and was a lot less embarrassing for all…I would always have each one of them get a glass of water too (hubby and 3 kids) so I can have their water... Then I would drink my very own water and their 4 glasses so when the waitress came to check on us, I ended up getting a few refills. This may not make sense to you if you are not a diabetic, but if a diabetic’s sugar is high, then extreme thirst is something we have to deal with. Also, your mouth would turn white which I referred to as looking like I had rabies from foaming at the mouth and my husband reminds me to wipe my mouth from time to time. I know I am grown and I certainly tried to keep this from happening but it did. Since taking Plexus, I now work hard to get all my water down and no more white mouth, but with that being an important aspect, I do keep the goal of drinking a great deal of water!!! The day before I began taking Plexus, I went to the doctor to have blood work done. I will have this repeated blood work again in October (every 3 months). I will have numbers to show my A1C levels. I am sure I will have another testimony then. I have put my middle child on Plexus slim also. He is A.D.D. and he is already seeing a difference in himself. I will be putting my youngest child on this too over the next little while. I just wanted to see the benefits with the kid that can discuss how he is feeling, what the benefits are, etc. He is not over weight at all but this product actually levels out everything within. After talking with an ambassador over the weekend, I am going to add ProBio5 for this child. My skeptical husband thinks if it is not a prescription, then it doesn’t work. He was complaining of a headache the other day and asked me to hand him something. I didn’t give him the usual Excedrin Migraine, instead I handed him two Fast Relief capsules. He didn’t even notice it was anything different and I didn’t say anything then. At that same time, I rubbed the Fast Relief cream and within minutes he was snoring. When he woke up, his headache was gone and he said he felt better. I then had to explain. Since then, he has asked for the cream twice to rub on the back of his neck. He was in an accident years ago and does have some nerve damage. My next purchase will be the Fast Relief nerve support. The benefits are so wonderful for anyone!!! “Plexus Slim is also known as "The Pink Drink" and this is taking the weight loss market by storm! “Plexus Slim is considered by many as one of the most affordable weight management products available in the market at present. According to the clinical research, this product does not produce any ill side effects and this is the reason why most of those who have weight problems plan to try taking it.” If you are interested in any of the Plexus products or have any questions at all, please send me a private message on Facebook. I can discuss with you how you can purchase the products from me and/or become an ambassador for $34.95 a year and purchase them at a much cheaper price, and also earn some money at the same time. I can give you my website so you can read some of the testimonies and information about the products yourself. I really want to build my team. I am a member of a fantastic group of people that are so helpful and encouraging in every aspect. The best part is the team I am a part of works together and isn’t competitive against each other. ALL of these products are ALL natural!!! I can’t wait to continue to share my journey and success story with you. Even if you are interested in any of these products and live out of town, I can help you there too. Keep me in your prayers! Stay tune to see just where I go with this.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 00:40:04 +0000

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