This is long, but very personal post by my pal Eddy Kimani. Take a - TopicsExpress


This is long, but very personal post by my pal Eddy Kimani. Take a few minutes to read it. For a very long time I have had a good run, health wise, something that am grateful for. Nothing major just a cold here and random sore throat, stabbing my pinky toe on the door etc.... but the last two days have been an eye-opener in terms of how we assume our bodies are running on well. Suddenly out of the blue, the left side on my face started going numb, my lips developed a mind of their own and decided to work well only when they want. The left eye started tearing randomly Na hakuna mtu amenichapa and the tounge opted to increase in size. Thus prompted a quick dash to the hospital after being nudged by a colleague...Several hours later results indicate high blood pressure, a messed up BMI and an affected nerve at the back of my head. Now, my dear friends you know I rarely share my very personal issues here on FB or write long posts, but I said to my self, it will be selfish if I dont share this one. Point being, we are all SOOOO busy with stuff day in day out, chasing paper/money, chasing success, chasing glory, chasing status, chasing promotions, chasing fame, working you backside off etc... am not saying all this is wrong, what use is it to chase all this things when your body is trying to talk to you and all you do is ignore it...? When its telling Hey, boss things are not good we need to see a doctor... All the warning lights flashing and screaming at you but you dont see. Our bodies have limits and I believe I had pushed mine ignorantly and didnt see the warning lights and sirens. My doc said I had only 72 hours before it got worse and I started thinking, even with the mild sensation on my face, how I had my next three days all planned out, of cause not to go see a doctor but to deal with a very heavy scheduled weekend at work. Thanks to my colleagues nudging to go see a doctor immediately. Dear friends, BP is a mysterious Silent Killer among other ailments which dont indicate any symptoms as I came to experience. Take some time today or soon, just walk to a clinic or hospital near you, it wont cost much. Have them just do a BP and BMI test or just a good ol medical check up. You never know whats going on inside this precious vessel we have around us. Those few minutes might be all you needed to get this right and respond to what your body is trying to communicate to you. I have been advised how to manage mine and am taking that up seriously and bila jokes I will. By the way, with the mild numbness in my face which will be around for some time, it just made me realize how easily we take the following basic things for granted; blinking, chewing, sipping a drink from a glass or straw, speaking, smiling etc. So... dear friend if I bump into you and you see my face sagging on one side dont think Im speaking at you or not happy to see you, or if we are speaking dont think am trying to pull a Sylvester Stallone side lip move, or if my moustache is sloppy on one side, no its not my kinyozi who shaved badly. So yeah, make a personal commitment NOW... just go get checked. Some of us take our cars or mobile phones for check-ups/repairs more than they go to hospitals for a random check up.... In the long run you will be doing your mind and body a great deal of a favor. It dos alot for you, just return the favor. Cheers and all the best.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:55:37 +0000

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