This is long so bear with me, someone had to say something: The - TopicsExpress


This is long so bear with me, someone had to say something: The past week has been full of noise about Ebola & the death of Thomas Eric Duncan. It is amazing to me how people can go from someone contracting a fatal disease to charges of racism. There has been much conjecture, innuendo, accusations of murder, flat out lies & charges of racism in this past week. The disconcerting thing is, many of the people making such charges are professing Spirit filled Christians! There was an open opportunity to give God glory & praise for His miracle working power & for His having favor upon His people. Instead, many black professing Christians could not see the hand of God at all. Why: Because race was thrown into the situation. Whenever race is thrown in to the situation, many black folk, even professing Christians become as blind as bats to all things logical & spiritual! Many of the same people who chant the mantra, “I’ve got favor & favor isn’t fair” are the same ones who totally missed the favor of God in this story. Many who speak loudly about “JUDGING” have judged this situation without deeply researching the facts. Deep seeded racism in the black community has been displayed like a candle on a hill for all to see. Samaritan’s Purse is a Christian humanitarian group who has 500 missionaries on the ground in Ebola infested Liberia. These missionaries have gone into this place, putting their own lives in danger to help the people of Liberia: An assignment that many of the people doing all of the complaining would never take. Over the years many missionaries have gotten ill & even died from Ebola. Dr. Kent Brantly (who wanted to give blood to Mr. Duncan but they were 2 different blood types so he could not) & Nancy Writebol contracted Ebola. Samaritans Purse made a vow all to its missionaries; if you ever fall ill while serving abroad, Samaritan’s Purse will do whatever it takes to bring you home. This is exactly what they did. The leaders at Samaritans Purse put up 1 million dollars, rented a private plane & brought the missionaries home. By the grace of God the CDC put the group in touch with the National Institutes of Health Workers in West Africa where an employee knew about a promising drug called ZMapp. The thing is, the drug had never been tried on humans. The missionaries prayed to God & took a chance on the drug. By the “grace of God” it worked. Nancy Writebol stated, “When I found out I was infected, I thought, [Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou are with me.]” Dr. Brantly & Mrs Writebol gave God glory for their healing. Black professing Christians totally pushed passed the God thing to dived nose first into the racism pot claiming that it was the missionaries being white & having money that got them the miracle drug. The sentiments were, Mr. Duncan, of course died because he was poor, black, and had no insurance: Had he been white he would have gotten the drug, etc. I would like to know how in the world people could know the financial situation of these missionaries or what kind of insurance they have? I’m sure those missionaries could have been making much more money working a professional job in the United States but they chose to do what Jesus asked us to do, serve their fellow man. It doesn’t seem to bother these white missionaries that the sick &d dying are black but; it sent many black professing Christians into a tail spin when the 2 ‘white’ missionaries were healed. What people have not talked about is what the side effects of this drug will be. Since it has never been tried on humans, no one knows. However; because it was God that did the healing, I’m sure these missionaries are 100% healed. Praise the Lord. I am praying for the nations that have been hit hard with this deadly disease. Even more so I am praying for the protection of the Christian missionaries who are putting their very lives on the line to serve these nations and their people. I will be making a donation to Samaritan’s Purse because they are doing a great work. I would invite everyone reading this post to make a donation also. Acts 17:26 (KJV) #OneBlood
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 23:26:07 +0000

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