This is longer then the average post but please take the time to - TopicsExpress


This is longer then the average post but please take the time to read before 2015 thanks. When getting into this forsaken entertainment industry one must be on point. This means your swag, mojo, fung-shway (image/character) has to be all the way together. Have quality product (sound,visuals, merchandise etc.) for instance your music doesnt have to be likable to everyone but at least take the correct procedures to make it sound attractive and complete so when you present it to your target audience it doesnt sound as if you dont care about your presentation. Even though it can be difficult sometimes our attitudes can be the deal breaker of whether or not labels, the consumer and or sponsors want to do business with you so keep it positive PERIOD. Also persistence and patience is key dont make a move because you see others making moves that is how you get caught up in what I like to call the circus. Move at your own pace but with a since of urgency because everyones situation is unique. Another thing you have to do is ESTABLISH and PROTECT your BRAND and REPUTATION at ALL costs. This is imperative because even if people dont like you they must have good things to say about you RESPECT goes a long way and it helps with making moves outside your local radius when you do want to travel and spread the word about what you have going on. ANDDDD YES you DO have to have some type of BUDGET. 0 dollars does not go to a million dollars just because you want it to. You cant expect to go in the studio and make what you feel is a hit and think youre going to make a million dollars without capital set aside to market you cant even play the lottery without investing something. Alright here is the last piece advice that seems to elude so many artists...yall have to have a WRITTEN DOWN STEP-BY-STEP PLAN that is specific to the success you want to have by a certain time frame I could elaborate but I just thought I would touch on the basics. If you have any questions inbox me or text me thanks for reading and I wish much success to everybody! #iamtheplug #swangaz #whouthankitiz #funkytown #ripdjwhodie #freewallydangerfield #freetwistedblack #yolafranklin #custos #neverbeenscrewed #nomoney #badchixsalute #tattoos #20bottles #cantkeepmyeyesopen
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:03:55 +0000

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