This is message to all my friends and contacts for Diwali. Please - TopicsExpress


This is message to all my friends and contacts for Diwali. Please read this carefully. A little lengthy but very important When Lord Rama left Ayodhya during His exile, all the plants and trees withered away in the pain of separation from Him. It became a desert! All the citizens became grief-stricken like someone in their family had died. They felt so bereaved! For 14 long years there was no festival, no enjoyment in Ayodhya. Rama was so much loved by His citizens. How couldnt they? His very name Rama means one whose countenance gives immense pleasure to the beholder. That all-loving Sri RAma when came back to Ayodhya on the day of this Amavasya, Ayodhya sprang back to life.. It was no more Amavasya that day. The moonlike face of RAmachandra was shining bright in the hearts of Ayodhyavasis. Every moment in Ayodhya was a celebration now. This celebration of Lord returning back is what we celebrate as Diwali.. Like RAma was exiled then, He has been exiled from our hearts in the fastpaced modern world of today! Many of us are busy doing scientific research to prove RAma doesnt exist. We are using the intelligence given by God against Him. This is our modern world of today. We want brotherhood among all beings without the Father! Our scriptures teach us that without God, we are struggling in this material world. Our hearts have become a barren desert. No wonder why we are so insensitive to the pains and sufferings of others! Today is the age of selfish lifestyle which makes a man live in his own world and die a lonely, unhappy death! We may have 5000 facebook friends but no real friend to share our hearts out .. Today is the plastic age where our hearts are made of steel! Life has become so artificial. This Diwali, let us invite the Supreme Lord into our hearts..Instead of just simply following rituals let us do something spiritual. There is no real happiness in simply bursting crackers and lighting lamps and exchanging sweets. May we enter the spirit of Diwali by welcoming Lord Rama into our hearts and vow to a lead a life full of God consciousness. The natural outcome of living a God conscious lifestyle is one automatically becomes a contributor in enriching others lives. If not, we are only burdening someones life. Let us be sober this Diwali and just enquire our existence. Are we contributing to the world or are we a burden? Contribution necessarily does not mean inventing a new supercomputer or discovering life on Mars! Contribution means to make others lives blissful by our words actions and behavior. Wish you a Happy, Prosperous and a Meaningful Diwali.. वरम् देव मोक्षम न मोक्षावधिम वा न चान्यम वृणेहम् वरेशाद अपि ह । इदम् ते वपूर्नाथ गोपालबालम् सदा मे मनस्य विरास्तम किम् अन्यः।। Means - Oh My Lord Krsna ! I dont want blessings of liberation (moksa) , neither I want any material benefits like wealth, good health , power , fame etc. I only want that your Gopal form be always menifested in my heart. In fact , What is the need of any other blessings. This is the prayer to Lord Krsna on auspicious day of diwali by satyavrta Muni. Happy Diwali
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 06:30:46 +0000

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