This is my EXACT experience...anger flaring, disturbing dreams, - TopicsExpress


This is my EXACT experience...anger flaring, disturbing dreams, fatigue, ah ha moments...especially yesterday...YB was a visionary! Read on... !Yogi Bhajan’s 2012 Predictions: Kundalini Yoga and Solar Flares Yogi Bhajan had a clear understanding of what would happen as we entered the Aquarian Age and he warned us that solar storm activity would increase significantly and affect the magnetic field of the Earth. In the past few weeks, even mainstream media has been reporting massive solar flares unlike any we have ever seen. On March 9th, the first day of the last wave of the Mayan Calendar, we experienced what is known as a X1.5-class explosion. These solar flares are directly connected to the Earth Changes we are experiencing. The ancients teach that we are connected to the totality of the Universe and so the flares on the surface of the Sun too affect us. You may be feeling: - emotional outbursts - temperature fluctuations – sweating then chills - disrupted sleep, disturbing dreams - extreme fatigue and/or manic amount of energy - big aha moments of awareness - weird body phenomena – aches and pains, buzzing in the ears Most importantly, the solar flares affect the emotions. With these surges of energy and information coming from the sun, it is increasingly difficult for people to control the emotions by ‘talking ourselves down’. Managing the emotions is now something we must be aware of every day – especially anger. Our old tricks to avoid or suppress our anger will no longer work. Now, anger must become fuel for transformation. There is a misconception that the spiritual path is all rainbows and unicorns. Don’t make yourself wrong for feeling anger. Emotion is simply energy in motion. How we channel and direct these energies is what makes us conscious spiritual beings. All over the world, people are waking up from the bad dream of the Kal Yug (dark age) and seeing the Truth. Part of this waking process is expressing anger at our past habit of giving our power over to others. We can see this in Egypt, in Libya and closer to home in Wisconsin. The 3rd Chakra is ruled by the fire tattva and gives us our sense of self – our self value – our dignity as a Human Being. It takes a potent fuel-like anger (fire) for real transformation to happen. Anger is not a place to live, but a stage to pass through on the way to dignity and peace. Suppressed anger manifests as apathy, despair and depression. Are you the person who ‘bites your tongue’– remaining quiet to not rock the boat ? Are you a human doormat – people consistently take advantage of your kind nature? Then you need to express. [Editors Note: Try the Burn Inner Anger sadhana...] When you feel anger surging inside you, it is poking you to speak and to stand up for yourself – especially to the people in your life who you have been giving your power away to. Do you say and do things to get approval from others? Who are the people you are afraid of speaking the truth to? These people are angels in disguise waiting for you to stand up for yourself – assert your dignity and then their soul contract is complete. These people often disappear from your life or the relationship dramatically transforms into something new. If you really want to save time – go to the very root of the problem and stand up to the ultimate bully – your own Mind. Stand up to inherited beliefs that are not your own. Stand up to the limited stories your mind and ego tell you about yourself. We are born to be the master of our minds. And yet, we live and act like a King that has become terrified of his servant. The Age of Aquarius is calling us to wake up and live in Truth. Claim the truth of your Beingness and dignity and nobility will naturally emerge through you. As Yogi Bhajan says, “As soon as you value yourself – the whole world values you!”.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:15:00 +0000

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