This is my Memorial Tribute to Rocky Wood. I felt a real kinship - TopicsExpress


This is my Memorial Tribute to Rocky Wood. I felt a real kinship with Rocky, I’m sure like many of you. How could it be any other way? For Rocky extended himself – he shared his spirit, his sweat, his toil and his compassion. He was devoted to us. This tribute includes five songs Rocky said he was fond of in the interview I conducted with him. I still can’t believe it. I hope this reflects the honor I personally hold for him and I hope our community will warmly look upon this and know it was done out of love. I’m including the final question I asked Rocky during our interview. He offers some very wise words to us all: Robin: Beyond the usual questions about advice for aspiring writers, would you please share some of your personal insights that you have gained about life? Rocky: Oh boy! Do the right thing - even if youre the only one who realises it. Work HARD - talent is great, using it is better. Pay it forward. Listen to mentors and learn. Be kind to animals. Great friends are hard to come by - treasure them. Build and protect your reputation. See an opportunity, try to take it. Trust people but dont make the same mistake twice. Live every day. Travel is one of the best ways to experience life. If you believe in something as a core value, never let anyone tell you otherwise and stand up for that value even when its unpopular to do so. In Like a Lamb – Out like a Lion
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 05:38:00 +0000

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