This is my beautiful friend, Shelly... Get started here - TopicsExpress


This is my beautiful friend, Shelly... Get started here skinnydays.SBC90DayChallenge/ Hi. My name is Shelly. Ive been hesitant for some time to do a before and during (im still on my path of losing), because i was so embarrassed of how heavy i had gotten. I didnt even realize it was this bad until i looked at that before pic again. I am not photogenic at all, so i always excused it as that, but clearly i was just heavier than even i wanted to admit. Back when i was 19 i had gotten breast implants (just another way of telling myself that i was never good enough)...unfortunately for me and so many other women out there i had a reaction to them. It wasnt until 11 years later and sitting on deaths door was i able to get them out. They had found a fungus growing inside of them. This fungus allowed my health to get to an unrepairable point. During the first couple of months i had them, i put on 60 pds, it never came off. I proceeded to have 3 of the most wonderful children and the pregnancies became too much for my body to bear while fighting this (unknown at the time) fungus. Long story short, i got them out in 2008 almost exactly 11 years later. Some of the health issues got immediately better but my immune system was compromised so losing weight was impossible for me. (sound familiar) It doesnt matter what got us there, but we got there and we share that discouragement together. I know how you feel, the depression, the breathing heavy regardless of what your doing, sweating just getting dressed. The low energy and tired is nothing new to us. After years and years of never being able to lose weight I decided to change my diet due to a surgery i was having at the end of the month (feb 2013), to make the recovery less difficult. I was able to release a little over 40pds (which never happened before), but after another surgery in april i went back up 10 pds and climbing. I was terrified of putting all of my weight back on, until one day i stumbled upon this girl. She was posting recipes and helpful hints and i joined her page. She was promoting an all natural weight loss supplement and seemed to have fantastic results from it, but come many times have we all heard this? I have tons of allergies since those implants and everything i take gives me hives or breathing difficulties. Weight loss supplements only supplied me with heart palpitations and the jitters. This product claimed it did just the opposite. I lived in terror, making myself sick just thinking of trying it because i just knew i would get sick. I KNEW IT!!! but the thought of putting on all my weight made me desperate...and sometimes thats just where God needs us. I ordered this product called Skinny Fiber. I got my dad to split it with me. (he has a whole other story) I took my first 2 pills and waited. I knew it was coming. so i waited some more......and then some more......ok, maybe i didnt do something right, so i took my next 2 at dinner and i waited........and then some more......i waited and waited and im still waiting it just never came. but what did come was AMAZING. i have lost the ten pounds i put back on, (in 2 wks) i have tons of good healthy crazy wonderful energy, i am regular for the first time in my life...EVER...did u get that??? EVER!!! i love this product and love that its all natural. I am here for life! I have this amazing family that accepted and adopted me into their lives and i am forever grateful and blessed. They mean so much to me already, even after a short time. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams, He gave me more than i would of ever of thought to ask for, He is amazing to me and the only reason I am here to write this to you now! My one regret......that i waited as long as i did to order. i am living proof that every struggle u have and every excuse you make was also mine. We are together, We are the same, and together WE CAN make a difference in ourselves, in our health, in our bodies and in our lives. Wont you join me today? Allow me to help you thru the hard parts, encourage you through the difficult times, motivate you when your down and love you as the valuable and worthy beautiful person you are! I believe in you even if you dont believe in yourself. ═════════ღღ═════════ღღ═════════ Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No Stimulants, Now with a NEW 90 day empty bottle money back guarantee! READY TO ORDER YOUR OWN SKINNY FIBER?? WANT TO JOIN MY TEAM? Can do both at this website---skinnydays.SBC90DayChallenge/ CLICK HERE: Then click Order Now in the top right corner!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:34:55 +0000

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